Visitors & Postdocs

Xin MaXin Ma, Postdoc
Email: xma1@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 372 
Research Interests: Groups, Dynamics, Banach spaces and Operator algebras

Dheer Noal DesaiDheer Noal Desai, Dr. Ralph Faudree's Postdoc
Office: Dun Hall 366

Han LiuHan Liu, Postdoc
Email: han.l@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 358 
Research Interests: Partial Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics

Bhawesh MishraBhawesh Mishra, Postdoc
Email: bmishra1@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 384 
Research Interests: Ergodic Theory

Yuri AntipovYuri Antipov, Visting Professor
Email: yantipov@lsu.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 
Research Interests: Applied Analysis and Differential Equations

Jerry BonaJerry Bona, Visting Professor
Email: jbona@uic.edu
Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Chicago 
Research Interests: Parial Differential Equations