
Welcome to the undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activities website. At the University of Memphis, motivated students have the opportunity to play a very important role in the creation of new knowledge. Through student-faculty collaborations and mentoring partnerships, students become engaged in their fields in ways that go beyond the traditional classroom settings. This website will familiarize students and faculty mentors with the wide variety of undergraduate research and creative achievement opportunities on the University of Memphis campus.

Why Conduct Undergraduate Research?

Participating in undergraduate research expands your academic experience and gives you the opportunity to explore an academic discipline more fully.

There are many benefits to becoming a researcher, including:

  1. Graduate and Professional School: Participating in undergraduate research will enhance your application to graduate and professional schools.
  2. Career Goals: Undergraduate research can provide hands-on experience in your discipline and help you to determine what kinds of work you enjoy most and what career path you may wish to pursue.
  3. Expand Your Resume: You will have numerous opportunities to expand your resume by presenting your research at conferences and possibly publishing your work. All of these opportunities can be documented on your resume.
  4. Transferable Skills: Undergraduate research will strengthen your oral and written communication, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and technical skills.
  5. Community: Undergraduate research can help you find your niche on campus through the close relationships that are developed by working with faculty, research groups, labs, and teams.
How to Get Started >