The Department of Economics at the University of Memphis is a nationally recognized
department that combines rigor in research productivity with excellence in teaching
and student service. We believe strongly in pushing forward the boundaries of our
knowledge of the economic world via research and scholarship, as well as sharing our
insights with the students of the University of Memphis, that we might prepare the
next generation of economists and scholars. Members of our faculty have published
in top journals in many areas of economics and have won university and national recognition
for their teaching and research.
Dr. William Smith
Professor and Chair for The Department of Economics
Email: wtsmith@memphis.edu | Phone: 901.678.2785
Office Location: FAB 400
Check out our brochure for more information!
Many assume that the study of economics is only about finance and the stock market, but in truth, the field is much, much broader. Economics delves into the science of human behavior, intersecting such diverse disciplines as law, anthropology, physics, sociology, engineering, history, math, education, medicine, gender, environment and agriculture. A student of economics will tap into all these fields to gain an understanding of how markets function.