Business Economics Major
Business Economics Major (B.B.A.)
A. University General Education Program (41 hours)
See Graduation from the University for the University General Education Program requirements. Note that MATH 1830 or 1910 (Mathematics requirement) with a minimum grade of "C", ECON 2010 and 2020 (Social/Behavioral Sciences requirement) are specified for the B.B.A. degree.
B. College and Degree (B.B.A.) Requirements (42 hours)
Lower Division Business Core Curriculum (12 hours)
No grade below “C” and 2.25 GPA (2.5 for accounting majors) in ECON 2010, ECON 2020 and the following lower division courses
- ACCT 2010 Fundamentals of Accounting I (3)
- ACCT 2020 Fundamentals of Accounting II (3)
- ISDS 2710 Business Statistics (3) or MATH 1530 Prob/Statistics/Non Calculus (3)
- MIS 2749 Introduction to Business Microcomputer Applications (3)
Upper Division Business Core Curriculum (30 hours)
No grade below "C" and 2.25 GPA in the following courses:
- ACCT 3130 Legal, Social, and Political Environment of Business (3)
- FIR 3410 Business Finance (3)
- MGMT 3110 Organization and Management (3)
- MGMT 4710 Strategic Management (3) (Enrollment usually limited to graduating seniors)
- MKTG 3010 Principles of Marketing (3)
- MGMT 3510 Business Communication (3)
- ISDS 3510 Production and Operations Management (3)
- ISDS 3711 Analytical Tools for Business Decisions (3)
- MIS 3210 Critical Thinking in Project Management for Business (3)
Choose One:
ACCT 4625 International Accounting: IFRS vs US GAAP (3); MGMT 4810 International Management (3); MKTG 4530 International Marketing (3); ECON 4350 International Economics (3); FIR 4550 International Finance (3); MGMT 4510 International Business Communication and Negotiation (3); HPRM 4400 International Hospitality (3); MIS 4310 Global Information Technology (3); ECON 4351 International Monetary Economics: Theory and Policy (3); one course from FIR 4110-4119 (3) when the topic pertains to international business and has been approved in advance by the department chair.
Transfer students are referred to the section Transfer Credit in the College of Business and Economics description.
C. The Major (24 hours)
No grade below "C" and a minimum 2.25 GPA in the major.
A minimum of 24 upper-division semester hours as follows:
For students choosing the Business Economics major with no concentration: ECON 3310, 3320, and six upper-division economics courses (18 hours) selected with the approval of the department advisor.
D. Electives (13 hours)
Lower division or upper division courses to bring the total of hours earned to 120.
E. Honors Program
All students who receive a minimum grade of B (3.0) in ECON 2010 or 2020 honors sections are eligible for the program. Entry to the program can also be obtained through the recommendation of a member of the faculty to the Department of Economics Honors Committee. A student must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.25 in economics to continue in the program and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in economics to graduate with honors in economics. Honor students write a senior research paper. At commencement they are awarded the special distinction "With Honors in Economics.” Details of the program are available at the department office.