Students with Moxie

Our students have lots of moxie. Unfortunately, moxie doesn't pay college tuition bills.

At the UofM, a majority of our student body is made up of hardworking, gutsy students who come from low-income backgrounds. While it's not easy for them to find ways to pay for their education, they are determined to persevere on sheer moxie. They are the kind of students that have to work three jobs to pay for classes and support family back home, but do it anyway. They are often told by relatives that college isn't important, but go for it anyway. They have seen an unfair share of hard times, but look on the bright side anyway.

When you help students, you help the entire community.

When you invest in students with this kind of tenacity, you are helping create a pipeline of young talent that Mid-South companies rely on for success. To get started with a gift that will be remembered forever, contact Joanna Curtis in the development office at  jecurtis@memphis.edu or 901.678.5274.

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