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Number of records 538

Sa'ad, Ramadan, "Fragments d'un monument de Toutânkhamon retrouvés dans le IXe pylône de Karnak," Karnak 5 (1975): 93-109. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sabek, Yasser, “Die Schlange und ihre Verehrung in Ägypten in pharaonischer und moderner Zeit”, Tierkulte im pharaonischen Ägypten und im Kulturvergleich. IBAES IV (2003): 137-158. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Saca, Iman, Embroidering Identities: A Century of Palestinian Clothing, OIMP 25 (2006). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sackho-Autissier, Aminata, "Cinq fragments de statues de particuliers du magasin du 'Cheikh Labib'," Karnak 11 (2003): 571-584. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sagrillo, Troy L., "Byblos and Egypt," The Ostracon 4.3 (Winter 1993): 8-11. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sahab, A., B. Dissoki, S. Sahaba, S. Badie, O. Hanafy, A. Monir, "Studies on Fungal Isolates involved in Biodeterioration of Ancient Manuscripts of the General Egyptian Book Organization (GEBO)", EJARS 4, iss. 1 (2014): 47-54. Link to web page  
Sakovich, Anthony P., "Explaining the Shafts in Khufu's Pyramid at Giza," JARCE 42 (2005-2006): 1-12.   Link to PDF file
Saleh, Abdel-Aziz, "Excavations Around Mycernus Pyramid Complex," MDAIK 30 (1974): 131-154.   Link to PDF file
Salim, Rana, "Cultural Identity and Self-presentation in Ancient Egyptian Fictional Narratives. An Intertextual Study of Narrative Motifs from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman Period," (PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, 2013). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sampsell, Bonnie M., "The Theban Temples of Tutmosis III," The Ostracon 15.2 (Summer 2004): 16-24. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sampsell, Bonnie M., "Bahariya Oasis: In the Footsteps of Dinosaur Hunters," The Ostracon 17.2 (Fall 2006): 13-15. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sampsell, Bonnie M., "The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahri: The Construction and Restoration of a Masterpiece - Part II," The Ostracon 17.1 (Spring 2006): 10-13. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sampsell, Bonnie M., "The Statuary of Thutmosis III," The Ostracon 15.2 (Summer 2004): 8-13. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sampsell, Bonnie, "A Mummy Mystery," The Ostracon 19.1 (Fall 2008): 9-15. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sampsell, Bonnie, "Djedefre: The Mysterious King in Dynasty IV," The Ostracon 8.2 (Fall 1997): 4-8. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sampsell, Bonnie, "Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt," The Ostracon 9.2 (Fall 1998): 8-15. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Samuel, Delwen, "A new look at old bread: ancient Egyptian baking," Archaeology International 3 (1999): 28-31. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sanborn, Ashton, "Hanford Lyman Story," BMFA 37.222 (August 1939): 64.   Link to PDF file
Sanborn, Ashton, "New Installations of Egyptian Sculpture," BMFA 23.140 (December 1925): 72-73.   Link to PDF file
Sanborn, Ashton, "Recent Acquistions from Egypt. New Installation of the Primitive and Old Empire Rooms," BMFA 20.11 (April 22): 25-27.   Link to PDF file
Sancisi-Weerdenburg, H., and A. Kuhrt, eds., Asia Minor and Egypt: Old Cultures in a New Empire (Proceedings of the Groningen 1988 Achaemenid History Workshop, Achaemenid History 6, 1991). Link to web page  
Sanders, Seth L., Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures OIS 2 (2007). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sandford, K. S. and W. J. Arkell, "Paleolithic Man and the Nile-Faiyum Divide in Nubia and Upper Egypt: A Study of the Region during Pliocene and Pleistocene Times. OIP 17 (1933). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sandford, K. S. and W. J. Arkell, "Paleolithic Man and the Nile-Faiyum Divide: A Study of the Region During Pliocene and Pleistocene Times," OIP 10 (1929). Link to web page  
Sandle, Tim, "Pharaohs and Mummies: Diseases of Ancient Egypt and Modern Approaches", Journal of Ancient Diseases & Preventive Remedies 1 no. 4 (December 2013). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Sandman, Maj, Texts from the Time of Akhenaten, BAe VIII (1938)*.    
Sänger, Patrick, Römische Veteranen unter den Severern und frühen Soldatenkaisern in Äygpten (Dissertation, Vienna University. (2009) Link to web page  
Sapsford, M., The use of sodium salt deposits in medical and medically associated industries in Ancient Egypt (PhD diss., Cranfield University, 2009). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Saqqara Online Link to web page  
Sarah Symons, "Ancient Egyptian Astronomy: Timekeeping and Cosmography in the New Kingdom," (PhD thesis, University of Leicester, 1999). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, H., "Die Protasis jr sḏm.f im älteren Ägyptisch", LingAeg 3 (1993): 121-135. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, H., "May themes follow on rhemes, and why might they do so?", LingAeg 1 (1991): 293-300. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "'Die Protasis jr sdm·f …' - Some Afterthoughts," Lingua Aegyptia 4 (1994): 271-274. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "'Emphase' oder die Rhematisierung eines adverbialen Komplements im Ägyptischen," Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 83 (1993): 189-206. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "'Horus auf den Krokodilen': Stele oder Statue?" Festschrift Arne Eggebrecht zum 65. Geburtstag zum 12. März 2000, Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge 48 (2003), 85–88. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "A pun in the Lansing papyrus," JEA 59 (1973): 227–28. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Acqua guaritrice: Le statue e stele magiche ed il loro uso magico-medico nell’Egitto faraonico," in Magic in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs (Proceedings from the International Congress, Milan, October 29-31, 1985) (Milan: 1987), 189-204. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Adolf Ermans Forschungen zur Grammatik und Sprache des Alten Ägypten," in Ägyptologie als Wissenschaft (2006), 141–149. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "An Old Coptic Text Reconsidered: PGM 94 ff," in Coptology: Past, Present, and Future, Studies in Honour of Rodolphe Kasser, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 61 (Leiden: 1994), 213-224. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Ancient Egyptian in the Context of African Languages," África antigua El antiguo Egipto, una civilización africana (Acts of the IX Week of African Studies of the Center of African Studies, Barcelona, March 18–22, 1996) (Barcelona: 2001), 257–265. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Anmerkungen zu einigen Blemmyer-Texten," Lebendige Altertumswissenschaft. Festgabe zur Vollendung des 70. Lebensjahres von Hermann Vetters, (1985), 327-332. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Anmerkungen zu jw.f sdm.f," GM 115 (1990): 99-102. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Äthiopische Parallelen zum ägyptischen sdm.f," MDAIK 23 (1968): 163-166. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Attribut und Relativsatz im Älteren Ägyptisch," Studien zu Sprache und Religion Ägyptens: Zu Ehren von Wolfhart Westendorf (Götingen: F. Junge, 1984), 125-156. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Bemerkungen zum ägyptischen Verbalsystem gelegentlich zweier Neuerscheinungen," Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 79 (1989): 197-220. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Beobachtungen zur Opferformel: Theorie und Praxis," Lingua Aegyptia 5 (1997): 177-188. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Das ägyptische 'Aleph'-Phonem," Zwischen den beiden Ewigkeiten, Festschrift Gertrud Thausing (Wien: 1994), 191-205. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Das altnubische Namenselement -kouda: 'Diener'?" in Intellectual Heritage of Egypt, Studies presented to László Kákosy, Studia Aegyptiaca 14 (1992), 519-521. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Das Bild als Faktor der Kontinuität von Leben und Tod – am Beispiel altägyptischer Grabmalerei," Bild und Gesellschaft (Beiträge zur historischen Sozialkunde) 10.1 (1980): 4–8. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Das Griechisch, aus dem die koptischen Alphabete stammen," in Sprache und Geist Peter Nagel zum 65. Geburtstag, Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 35 (2003): 201–213. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Denkmal für einen Schriftgelehrten," in Studies in Honor of Ali Radwan, Supplément aux Anales du Service des antiquités de l’Égypt 34.2 (Cairo: 2005), 295–300. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Der Amonpriester 'Horus-vom-Busch': eine saïtische Hockerstatue neu in Wien," Wege öffnen, Festschrift für Rolf Gundlach, Ägypten und Altes Testament 35 (1997), 258-263. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Der heilige Stab als Kraftquelle des Königs: Versuch einer Funktionsbestimmung der ägyptischen Stabträgerstatuen," Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen 77 (1981): 9-43. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Der Leiter des Speicherwesens Siêse Sohn des Qeni und seine Wiener Statue," Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen 74 (1978): 7–28. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Der Opferstein des Šmswj aus dem Mittleren Reich," MDAIK 23 (1969): 160–162. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Der Werdegang der Ägyptisch-Orientalischen Sammlung des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien," in Egypt Out of Egypt, From discovery to Egyptology (Proceedings of the International Conference, Bologna, March 26-29, 1990) (Bologna: 1990), 367-382. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Die Abydos-Stele des Jpwj aus dem Mittleren Reich," MDAIK 25 (1969): 121–130. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Die ägyptischen Gerundiva," Lingua Aegyptia 14 (2006): 139–144. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Die altkoptischen Texte als Zeugnisse der Beziehungen zwischen Ägyptern und Griechen," in Graeco-Coptica: Griechen und Kopten im byzantinischen Ägypten, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge 48 (1948), 137-146. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Die Eigentumsverhältnisse innerhalb der ägyptischen Sammlung von Miramar," Maximilian - rereading of existence, Province of Trieste (Proceedings of the Trieste Conference, March 4-6, 1987) (Triest: 1993), 194-203. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Die Personennamen von Blemmyern in koptischen und griechischen Texten: orthographische und phonetische Analyse," Comparative African studies: Language, history and literary works in honor of Hans G. Mukarovsky the occasion of his 70th Birthday. Wien, 313-324. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Die Protasis jr sḏm.f im älteren Ägyptisch," Lingua Aegyptia 3 (1993): 121-135. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Die Protasis jr sdm·f im älteren Ägyptisch," Lingua Aegyptia 3 (1993): 121-135. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Die Provenienz einer ramessidischen Statuengruppe in Wien (ÄS Inv.-Nr. 48; thebanisches Grab Nr. 387)," Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen 79 (1983): 7-18. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Egyptian 'Ayin in variation with D," Lingua Aegyptia 6 (1999): 141-151. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Egyptian as an African Language," in Acts of the IV National Congress of Egyptology and Papyrology, Siracusa, December 5-7, 1997 (Siracusa: 2000), 31-43. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Egyptian in the Afroasiatic Frame: Recent Egyptological Issues with an Impact on Comparative Studies." in Afroasiatica Neapolitana (Contributions submitted to the 8th Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics) (Napoli: 1997), 27-48. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Eine Familie aus dem Athribis des späten Mittleren Reiches," Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur 13 (1986): 172-180. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Eine Pavianstatue mit Königsfigur (Wien ÄS Inv.-Nr. 5782)," Studies on Ancient Egyptian Culture 5, Acts of the 4th International Congress of Egyptologists (München: 1985). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Eine Stele mit Vergangenheit," Aegyptus Museis Rediviva, Miscellanea in honorem Hermanni de Meulenaere (Brussels: 1993), 141-152. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Felsinschriften aus dem Gebiet von Sayâla (Ägyptisch-Nubien)," in Timelines: Studies in Honour of Manfred Bietak III, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 149 (Leiden/Paris/Dudley: 2006): 139–147. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Focus and syntactic status of clauses in Somali and Egyptian," in Linguistic and Oriental Studies in Honour of Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti (Wiesbaden: 2006), 639-647. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Frühe Erwerbungen für die ägyptische Sammlung," Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen Wien 87 (1991): 23-42. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Gematrie in einem koptischen Zaubertext," in Acts of the Symposium 'Number and Structure in Josquin's work' (Freiburg: 2007). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Gott gibt dem König Leben. Mit Anhängen über ... di 'nh und die Weihformel," ZÄS 124 (1997): 142-156. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Hintzes Kategorie der Erzählung im Neuägyptischen – zwischen Stil und Grammatik," Der antike Sudan 19 (2008): 29–45. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Historische ägyptische Phonologie und die afroasiatische Komparatistik," Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 93 (2003): 211–225. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "How good was Tjeker-ba'l's Egyptian? Mockery at foreign diction in the Report of Wenamun," Lingua Aegyptia 5 (1997): 171-176. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Interaction of Three-dimensional and Two-dimensional Art," in Art and Society: Ancient and Modern Contexts of Egyptian Art (Budapest: 2012), 45-46. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Katharôs kaì apokrótos in koptischen Urkunden," Chronique d’Égypte 45 (1970): 417–420. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Koptische Papyrus-Fragmente des Wiener Kunsthistorischen Museums: Liturgische und biblische Texte," Chronique d'Égypte 46 (1971): 419–31. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Koptische Papyrus-Fragmente des Wiener Kunsthistorischen Museums: Varia," Chronique d’Égypte 47 (1972): 343–350. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Koptische Vokalphoneme und ägyptische Pluralformation," in Ägypten und Nubien in spätantiker und christlicher Zeit II (Acts of the VI International Coptology Congress, Münster, July 20-26, 1996), 365-374. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Le origini della collezione egizia di Vienna," in Egypt in Turin (SEREKH 14) (2012), 158-161. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "May themes follow on rhemes, and why might they do so?" Lingua Aegyptia 1 (1991): 292-300. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "May themes follow on rhemes, and why might they do so?" Lingua Aegyptia 1 (1991): 293-300. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Modifizierung ägyptischer Verbalwurzeln durch Reduplikation," Festschrift für Hermann Hunger zum 65 Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 97 (2007): 475–489. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Nominalsatz und Cleft Sentence im Neuägyptischen," in Studies Presented to Hans Jakob Polotsky (East Gloucester, Massachusetts: Pirtle & Polson, 1981), 480-505. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Observations in the Field of the Afroasiatic Suffix Conjugation," in Afroasiatica Tergestina (Papers of the 9th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic) Linguistics, Trieste, April 23-24, 1998) (Padova: Unipress, 1999), 23-33. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Old Nubian — Black African Language of Most Ancient Attestation," in Between the Cataracts, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Supplement Series volume 2:2 (Warsaw: 2010), 747–754. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "On definiteness of the Coptic noun," in Linguistic Gnosticism II (Proceedings of the Fourth Congress Coptic) (Louvain-La-Neuve: 1992), 74-78. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "On Egyptian Participles and Nomina Agentis," in Studia Andreae Zaborski dedicata, Folia Orientalia XLIX (2012), 467-476. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "On ergativity in Egyptian," in New Data and New Methods in Afroasiatic Linguistics Robert Hetzron in Memoriam (Wiesbaden: 2001), 173–182. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "On Some Aspects of jw in Middle Egyptian," (Paper presented at Egyptian, Semitic and General Grammar Workshop in Memory of H. J. Polotsky, Jerusalem, July 8–12, 2001), 39–60. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "On tense and aspect in Middle Egyptian," in Crossroads - Chaos or the Beginning of a New Paradigm (Papers from the conference on Egyptian grammar, Helsingør. København: The Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Ancient Near East Studies) (1986), 297-313. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "On the assumed ergativity of the Berber language(s)" (Proceedings of the 10th Meeting of Hamito-Semitic (Afroasiatic) Linguistics, Florence, April 18–20, 2001), 381–389. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "On the Origin of the Sahidic Dialect," in Acts of the Second International Congress of Coptic Studies (Roma: Centro Italiano Microfiches, 1985), 307-312. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "On the predominant triliterality of Egyptian verbal stems." in Acts of the 8th International Afro-Asiatic Congress (Naples: 2008). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "On the prehistory of the Coptic dialects," in Coptic Studies: Acts of the Third International Congress of Coptic Studies (Warsaw: 1990), 413-416. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Osirianische Obelisken in der Wiener Sammlung," in Egyptian Religion the Last Thousand Years I, Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Jan Quaegebeur., Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 84 (1998), 413-423. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Phonologie des koptischen Verbs (saidischer Dialekt)," Ägypten und Altes Testament 1 (1979): 343–368. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Proto-Afroasiatic is 'Marked Nominative,' or of Nominative-Accusative Alignment," in Acts of the 14th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics, Turin, June 15-17. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Reading Late Egyptian," Revue Roumaine d'Egyptologie 2-3 (1998-1999): 77-83. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Relativformen, emphatische Formen und Zweite Tempora: Gliedsatzformen im Ägyptischen und im Tschadischen," in Von Ägypten zum Tschadsee Eine linguistische Reise durch Afrika, Festschrift für Herrmann Jungraithmayr zum 65. Geburtstag, Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes LIII,3 (Würzburg: 2001), 411–420. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Relativsatz und Thematisierung im Altnubischen," Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 80 (1990): 185-205. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Response to A. Loprieno," Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century III (Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000) (Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000), 92–94. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Rund um die Form sdm.t.f," GM 27 (1978): 45–49. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Sayala (Ägyptisch-Nubien)," in Funde aus Ägypten: Österreichische Ausgrabungen seit 1961 (1979), 16–55. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Schwierigkeiten mit einer Syntax ohne Verbalsatz," Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Supplement VI: XXII. Deutscher Orientalistentag, (1985), 76-79. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Scratchy sounds getting smooth: the Egyptian velar fricatives and their palatalization." In Acts of the 13th Meeting of Italian Camito-Semitic Linguistics (CAMSEMUD) (Proceedings of the 13th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics held in Udine, May 21-24, 2007) (Padova: 2010), 239-245. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Sculture egizie del Kunsthistorisches Museum di Vienna trovate fuori dall'Egitto," in Egypt in Italy from Antiquity to the Middle Ages (Proceedings of the III International Congress of Italian-Egyptian, Rome, November 13-19, 1995) (Roma: 1998), 739-742. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Sdmt.f 'schließlich hörte er'," JEA 57 (1971): 58–69. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Some more remarks on Old Bedauye," in Studia Palaeophilologica professoris G. M. Browne in honorem oblata Champaign (Illinois: 2004), 1–5. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Some peculiarities of Greek and Coptic epigraphy from Nubia," Coptic Studies on the Threshold of a New Millennium I, Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 133 (Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden, August 27-September 2, 2000), 529–535. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Some Remarks on a Newly Discovered Noun Clause Construction of Late Egyptian," Structuring Egyptian Syntax A Tribute to Sarah Israelit-Groll, Lingua Aegyptia 9 (2001): 239-247. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Some Remarks on the Afroasiatic Case System," Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 94 (2004): 177–183. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Statuses and cases of the Afroasiatic personal pronoun," in Egyptian and Semito-Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) Studies in Memoriam W. Vycichl, Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics 39 (2003), 487–498. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Structural analysis of the Egyptian independent personal pronoun," Publications of the Institute of African Studies and Egyptology 41, Contributions to African 2 (Proceedings of the 5th International Hamito-Semitic Congress, 1987) (1991), 121-135. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Sudan-Ägyptisch und Elephantine-Koptisch," Bulletin Société d’Égyptologie Genève 4 (Nov. 1980): 83–87. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Syllabic and Alphabetic Script, or the Egyptian Origin of the Alphabet," Aegyptus, Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia 82 (2002): 15–26. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Syntax der Präpositionsadjektive 'Präpositionsnisben'," ZÄS 113 (1986): 141-153. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "The Barbarian Names on the Ostraca from the Eastern Desert (3rd Century CE)" (Paper presented at conference 'Inside and Out: Interactions between Rome and the Peoples on the Arabian and Egyptian Frontiers in Late Antiquity (200-800 CE)', Ottawa, October 11-13, 2012). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "The Egyptian conjugations within the Afroasiatic framework," in Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century III (Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000) (Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000), 392–400. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "The Egyptian connection: Egyptian and the Semitic languages," Israel Oriental Studies 20 (2002): 227–264. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "The Etymology of Coptic ‘Ashes‘: Chadic or Nostratic ?" in Semito-Hamitic Festschrift for A. B. Dolgopolsky and H. Jungraithmayr (Berlin: 2008), 265–271. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "The Old Coptic Schmidt papyrus," JARCE 12 (1975): 37–50. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "The scarab on the cat's forehead," in Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Jadwiga Lipinska, Warsaw Egyptological Studies I (1997), 399-407. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "The two Egyptian idioms and the "emphatic" consonants," in Acts of '5000 Years of Semetic Languages in Asia and Africa' (Berlin: 2010). Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "The Vienna stela for the head of the confectioners guild Heracleides: suggesting a new solution for the end of the text," Aegyptus et Pannonia 4 (2010): 119-124. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Towards reconstructing the tense system of Old Egyptian," in Lingua Sapientissima: A seminar in honour of J. Polotsky organised by the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge and the Faculty of Oriental Studies in 1984 (Cambridge: 1987), 72-79. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Übersetzungsvorschläge und Anmerkungen zu einigen neuägyptischen Texten," Essays in Egyptology in honor of Hans Goedicke (San Antonio: Van Siclen Books, 1994), 233-242. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Satzinger, Helmut, "Übersicht über die Papyri der Ägyptisch-Orientalischen Sammlung in Wien," GM 75 (1984): 31-35. Link to web page Link to PDF file
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