Dr. Rahul Pandey

Assistant Professor

FCBE 246
Office Hours
By Appointment


Dr. Rahul Pandey is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management, Fogelman College of Business & Economics at The University of Memphis. He earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration (Operations Management) from The Ohio State University. He holds a Master of Science in Management (Operations and Information Systems) from Brock University, Canada, and a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, India.

Rahul's research is focused on understanding the impacts of supply chain structure and supply chain relationships on organizational decision-making in situations involving large-scale supply disruptions. His research provides insights on how firms should make use of their supply chain partners and relationships to anticipate, manage, and mitigate disruptions. Delving deeper, his research examines the challenges organizations face navigating the fuzzy front-end of supply disruption management and contribute new insights about the disruption detection and diagnosis stages of supply disruption management.



Pandey, R., Rungtusanatham, M., and Oppong-Tawiah, D. 2023. Asymmetric investments in exchange relationships, perceived supplier shirking and cross-functional information sharing as a moderator. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 43(6), 849-878.

Pandey, R., Chatterjee, D., and Rungtusanatham, M. 2023. The effects of tie strength and data integration with supply base on supply disruption ambiguity and its impact on inventory turnover. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 43(3), 428-465.

Bendoly, E., McClintock, A., Pandey, R. (2017). Human Behavior in Operations. In Martin Starr and Sushil Gupta (Eds.), Routledge Companion for Production and Operations Management (POM): Contributions from 50 Global POM Thought Leaders, 326-342. London: Routledge.