Communication & Digital Technology SLPC - Communication & Digital Technology

Articulating thoughts and ideas clearly with friends, peers, classmates, coworkers, and colleagues is a skill that is essential. Students in today must be able to do it verbally, nonverbally, written, and also online. You must be able to communicate in one-on-one settings, as well as in front of an audience. Depending on the audience, how you communicate may vary and you will have to learn how to adapt communication styles by what is needed. In addition, with the growing relevance of different technological platforms, it is now an expectation that students will be exposed, and competent, in those platforms to help communicate and deliver information.

Students will be able to:

  1. Able to effectively partake in verbal, nonverbal, and written communication.
  2. Demonstrates how to actively listen when conversing with others.
  3. Understands how to facilitate a discussion or meeting.
  4. Knows how to use various forms of technology and use them to solve problems, complete tasks, and achieve goals.

Examples of opportunities to enhance this competency at the University of Memphis:

  • Create your TigerLink and LinkedIn profiles with the help of a Career Services staff.
  • Attend networking events hosted by Career Services, within your academic department, or in the community. 
  • Present research at a local conference.
  • Join a Registered Student Organization that allows you develop your communication skills.
  • Build relationships with faculty and staff who can work with you to develop your communication skills.
  • Create a personal website to show off your work. 
  • Track your experiences on Tiger Zone.