Full-Time Instructors

Manohar AggarwalManohar Aggarwal, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Teaching
Email: maggarwl@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 386
Phone: 901.678.3756
Research Interests: Design and analysis of experiments

Alpha BaAlpha Ba, Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: alphaba@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 374
Phone: 901.678.1757

Stacey BacopulosStacey Bacopulos, Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: dbacopls@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 354
Phone: 901.678.1317

Nataliya DoroshenkoNataliya Doroshenko, Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: ndorshnk@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 360

David DwigginsDavid Dwiggins, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Teaching/Coordinator
Email: ddwiggns@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 368
Phone: 901.678.4174
Research Interests: Differential and Integral Equations, Topology and Functional Analysis

Misty FreemanMisty Freeman, Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: mtfreemn@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 380
Phone: 901.678.3089

Angela GrantAngela Grant, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: aggrant@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 382
Phone: 901.678.3071

Scotty HoustonScotty Houston, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: sghoustn@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 356

bkprlgluBaris Kopruluoglu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Teaching
Email: bkprlglu@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 352

Joshua OladeleJoshua Ọládélé, Assistant Professor of Teaching
Email: joladele@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 370
Phone: 901.678.1372

Ilham TayahiIlham Tayahi, Associate Professor of Teaching/Coordinator
Email: itayahi@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 349
Phone: 901.678.3487