Faculty Affiliates

Abby L Parrill-Baker (aparrill@memphis.edu), Chemistry

Amy L de Jongh Curry (adejongh@memphis.edu); Biomedical Engineering

Bernie J Daigle Jr (bjdaigle@memphis.edu), Biological Sciences

Charles V Camp (cvcamp@memphis.edu); Computer Engineering

Chris Harold Cramer (ccramer@memphis.edu); Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI)

Dale Bowman Armstrong (ddbowman@memphis.edu); Mathematical  Sciences

Ebenezer O George (eogeorge@memphis.edu); Mathematical Sciences

Eric Guido Daub (egdaub@memphis.edu); Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI)

Eunseo Choi  (echoi2@memphis.edu); Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI)

Gisele R Goldstein  (ggoldste@memphis.edu); Mathematical Sciences

Henry A Kurtz (hkurtz@memphis.edu); Chemistry

Hongmei Zhang (hzhang6@memphis.edu); School of Public Health

Jerome A Goldstein  (jgoldste@memphis.edu); Mathematical Sciences

John I Hochstein  (jhochste@memphis.edu); Mechanical Engineering

Lih Y Deng (lihdeng@memphis.edu); Mathematical Sciences

Madhusudhanan Balasubramanian (mblsbrmn@memphis.edu); Electrical Engineering

Mihalis Golias <mihalisdgolias@gmail.com>; Civil Engineering

Mohamed Laradji <mlaradji@memphis.edu>; Physics and Materials Science

Nicholas W Simon (nwsimon@memphis.edu); Psychology

Ricardo Taborda <ricardo.taborda@memphis.edu>; Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI)

Sabya Mishra (smishra3@memphis.edu); Computer Engineering

SangNam Ahn (sahn@memphis.edu); School of Public Health

Su Chen (schen4@memphis.edu); Mathematical Sciences

Thomas C Hagen (thagen@memphis.edu); Mathematical Sciences

William Andrew Alexander (wlxnder2@memphis.edu); Chemistry

Xiao Shen (xshen1@memphis.edu); Physics and Materials Science

Yongmei Wang (ywang@memphis.edu); Chemistry

Youngsang Kwon (ykwon@memphis.edu) Earth Sciences