Section 5.6.3 Promotion Process


5.6.3B The Dossier


All non-tenure-track candidates for promotion must submit a dossier which should reflect the faculty member’s cumulative performance in satisfying the criteria for promotion in teaching, research / scholarship / creative activity, and/or service in accordance with their appointment. The promotion dossier is divided into Sections that contain information about the primary criteria by which candidates are assessed. It is used for review at the departmental, academic unit, and university levels.

A description of the materials required for each Section, as appropriate to the duties assigned to the faculty member, and the order of their assembly is maintained by the provost and shall be posted on the university website.

Great care should be taken in the preparation of the dossier. Nothing may be added to or removed from a candidate's dossier after it has been evaluated by the department promotion committee comprised of tenured and non-tenure-track faculty as specified below in Section 5.6.3C(3). This requirement ensures that each reviewing authority will examine exactly the same evidence in making decisions on the promotion application. If the candidate appeals the provost’s recommendation, the Faculty Appeals Committee may request information that it deems necessary to form its recommendations to the president and that information shall be included with its recommendation.

The specific substance of the materials required for adequate review of a faculty member's activities in teaching, research/creative achievement/scholarship, and/or service will vary with the academic discipline and the terms of candidate’s appointment.



< 5.6.3A Preparation for Promotion 5.6.3C Department Procedures for Promotion Review >


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