External Funding

Understanding as a form of respect
Year: 2015
Funding agency: Templeton Foundation
Amount: $72k
PI: Debes

Anneliese Maier Research Award
Year: 2012-17
Funding agency: Humboldt Foundation
Amount: $278k
PI: Gallagher

The mental lives of disasters
Year: 2014-16
Funding agency: University of Copenhagen
Amount: $28k
PI: Varga

Phenomenology of anxiety and embodiment
Year: 2014-16
Funding agency: Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, European Commission Research
Amount: $320k
PI: Trigg and Gallagher

Pluralistic approaches to social cognition
Year: 2015
Funding agency: Humboldt Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellowship, Humboldt Foundation
Amount: $39k
PI: Fiebich and Gallagher

Philosophy of Law reading group and speaker series
Year: 2012
Funding agency: Koch Foundation
Amount: $6k
PI: Debes

Space, Science and Spirituality: Studies of awe and wonder during space travel
Year: 2011-14
Funding agency: Templeton Foundation
Amount: $300k
PI: Gallagher

Towards an embodied science of intersubjectivity (TESIS), Initial Training Network
Year: 2011-15
Funding agency: Marie Curie Actions, European Commission Research
Amount: $583k
PI: Gallagher

Metaphor-Based Learning of Physics Concepts Through Whole-Body Interaction in a Mixed Reality Science Center Program
Year: 2011-14
Funding Agency: NSF (DRL-1114621)
Amount: $1.4m
co-PI: Gallagher

John Locke, Forced Labor and the Two Treatises of Government
Year: 2011-12
Funding Agency: Fulbright US Scholar Program/University of Liverpool
PI: Lawson

Embodied Virtues and Expertise
Funding Agency: Australian Research Council (ARC) (DP1095109)
Amount: $212k
co-PI: Gallagher

Human and Robotic Interaction: Social cues and behaviors in HR collaboration
Year: 2010-12
Funding Agency: RCTA and General Dynamics. Grant # 64018180
Amount: $777k
co-PI: Gallagher

Conditions Guiding Coordinative and Adaptive Dynamics in Human Interaction
Year: 2008-13
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation #0826825
Amount: $674k
co-PI: Tollefsen

Access and Diversity Grant
Year: 2008-11
Funding Agency: Tennessee Board of Regents
Amount: $93.5k
PI: Tollefsen