Master of Public Health - Urban Health

man standing on street with city buildings in the background

The School of Public Health at the University of Memphis proudly offers a CEPH-accredited Master’s in Public Health degree with a specialized concentration in Urban Health. Our online MPH – Urban Health program mirrors the rigorous structure of our on-campus offerings, requiring 42 credit hours that include completion of an applied practical experience and either a master’s project or thesis.

This concentration is specifically tailored to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to address complex healthcare issues prevalent in urban areas. By focusing on racial disparities and enhancing cultural competency, graduates of our Urban Health program are well-prepared for impactful roles in government agencies, non-profit organizations and community health settings. They are adept at developing and evaluating culturally appropriate urban health programs and conducting comprehensive community health needs assessments aimed at improving the health outcomes of diverse urban populations.

The Master’s in Public Health – Urban Health program at the University of Memphis emphasizes an integrated approach to public health education, integrating urban health theories with practical experience. Students delve into critical topics such as community health, healthcare delivery systems and the socio-economic factors influencing urban health outcomes. Through rigorous coursework and hands-on learning experiences, graduates emerge with the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of urban health challenges and contribute meaningfully to public health initiatives.

Prospective students interested in making a positive impact in urban health care through evidence-based practices and policy development will find our MPH – Urban Health program to be a transformative educational experience. With a curriculum grounded in urban health principles and informed by current public health research, graduates are equipped to lead initiatives that promote health equity and improve the well-being of urban communities.

Choosing the Master’s in Public Health – Urban Health program at the University of Memphis signifies a commitment to advancing knowledge in urban health care and addressing pressing public health issues. Our graduates are prepared to make significant contributions to community health, healthcare policy and public health practice, driving positive change and improving health outcomes in urban settings.

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