African and African American Studies

A Bachelor of Arts in African and African American Studies offers a profound exploration into the diverse experiences and rich histories of African peoples and their descendants. This program equips students with the skills to understand the complex dynamics of the diaspora, analyzing the historical, cultural, and societal impacts of African migrations post-Renaissance. By delving into the experiences of African and African American women, students gain a nuanced perspective on these vital narratives within the broader context of global history.

This degree program empowers students to employ methodological approaches and analytical skills from the humanities, social sciences, and arts to examine African experiences and those of people of African descent. It also emphasizes understanding the connections between African cultural institutions and their diasporic counterparts, fostering a comparative analysis of historical and contemporary cultures across Africa and the African diaspora. With a curriculum requiring a minimum of 120 credit hours, students can complete the B.A. in African and African American Studies entirely online through UofM Global or combine it with previous college-level learning. This flexible format caters to diverse learning needs and schedules, enabling students to tailor their educational journey to fit their professional and personal goals.

A degree in African and African American Studies opens doors to various career paths. Graduates can pursue roles as educators, community service managers, or advocates, leveraging their deep understanding of African cultures and histories. The program prepares students for careers in journalism, anthropology, academia, and more, making it a versatile foundation for multiple professional fields. Career options for graduates include roles such as ambassadors, where they represent their country and foster diplomatic relations abroad, or as volunteer coordinators, managing and guiding volunteer efforts within organizations. Other opportunities include positions in community outreach, legal assistance, and fundraising administration, each utilizing the analytical and cultural insights gained through the program.

In addition to these roles, graduates may find careers as mediators or marketing consultants, where their ability to navigate complex cultural and social issues proves valuable. Social workers and diversity consultants also benefit from this background, using their expertise to address community needs and promote inclusive practices within organizations.

Historians and political affairs officers can also leverage this degree, applying their knowledge to interpret past events and advise on international matters. These positions benefit from the critical thinking, research, and analytical skills honed through the African and African American Studies program.

Overall, the B.A. in African and African American Studies is not just a degree but a gateway to a deeper understanding of global cultures and histories. It prepares students to contribute meaningfully to various fields by providing a solid foundation in the analysis and interpretation of African and African American experiences.