Management Information Systems

Female student working with a computer 

The Management Information Systems (MIS) Department at the University of Memphis prepares graduates to emerge as leaders in global information technology. Situated within the Fogelman College of Business & Economics, the only AACSB-accredited business college in the Memphis area, this department integrates information technology concepts with fundamental business principles, fostering applied learning across both disciplines.

The Fogelman Management Information Systems degree program is highly respected for its comprehensive approach, emphasizing the intersection of technology and business management. Students delve into critical areas such as global information technology and the organizational impact of information systems. This program ensures that graduates are equipped not only with technical proficiency but also with strategic insights into how technology drives business innovation and efficiency.

Continuous program improvement is a hallmark of the MIS program at the University of Memphis. Courses are regularly updated to reflect the dynamic business environment and evolving student needs, ensuring relevance and currency in education. This commitment to staying abreast of technological advancements and industry trends enhances the program's effectiveness in preparing students for leadership roles in information systems management.

The management information systems online degree offered by the University of Memphis is designed to accommodate diverse student needs and schedules. With a minimum requirement of 120 credit hours, this program can be completed entirely online through UofM Global or in combination with prior college-level learning. This flexibility enables students to balance their academic pursuits with professional and personal responsibilities while gaining valuable skills in information technology and systems analysis.

Choosing the management information systems degree at the University of Memphis opens doors to a rewarding career at the intersection of technology and business. Graduates of this program are well-positioned to navigate complex IT landscapes, drive organizational innovation, and effectively manage information systems to support strategic business goals. Whether aspiring to work in cybersecurity, data analytics, or IT consulting, the MIS program equips students with the knowledge and skills to excel in diverse roles within the field of information systems management.