Liberal Studies 

The Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Memphis Global offers an adaptable pathway for students to tailor their degree to their unique interests and career aspirations. This program is ideal for those whose academic goals extend beyond conventional majors, allowing for a personalized approach to education.Students in this program benefit from a flexible structure that enables them to select courses from two distinct academic areas, crafting a degree that aligns with their passions and professional goals. This interdisciplinary approach ensures a broad and well-rounded academic experience, combining diverse fields of study.

Designed with the adult learner in mind, the BLS program offers various course formats, including fully online options, to fit busy schedules. Students can integrate transfer credits and earn credit through relevant work experience or professional training, enhancing the flexibility and accessibility of the program.To graduate, students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours. The degree can be pursued entirely online through UofM Global or in combination with previously earned college credits. This flexibility not only supports academic growth but also fosters intellectual exploration and curiosity.

For those seeking to accelerate their career trajectory, the Accelerated Master’s program offers a compelling option. Complete a Master’s degree within one year of your undergraduate studies, choosing between a Master of Liberal Studies or a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership, to gain advanced expertise and further professional development. A Liberal Studies degree prepares graduates for diverse career paths across various sectors. Potential roles include Communications Specialist, Corporate Trainer, Editor, Employee Training Manager, and Fundraising Consultant, each offering unique opportunities and growth potential in the job market.

Throughout the program, students develop critical skills such as creative thinking, data analysis, organizational management, and effective communication. These versatile skills are essential for success in a wide range of professional environments and industries.

Ultimately, the Bachelor of Liberal Studies with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies is more than just an academic credential. It’s a gateway to becoming a versatile leader, equipped to thrive across diverse fields and adapt to a rapidly changing world.