
The University of Memphis Global offers a comprehensive Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with a concentration in Applied Ethics. This program is designed to provide students with a solid grounding in ethical theories and problem-solving across various professional fields such as medicine, law, and business. Core courses in the program include a strong emphasis on the history of philosophy and logic, ensuring a well-rounded philosophical education. Students will engage with critical exploration, examining issues of knowledge, reality, consciousness, and ethical living through texts from influential philosophers like Plato, Descartes, and Kant.

The BA in Philosophy requires a minimum of 120 credit hours, which can be completed entirely online or in combination with previously earned college credits. The program aims to develop students' ability to recognize valid and fallacious reasoning, read and critically evaluate major philosophical texts, and become familiar with key ethical theories and their applications. Additionally, students will gain a basic understanding of the history of philosophy, particularly Ancient and Modern Philosophy, and will learn to engage critically with both primary and secondary philosophical literature.

Key courses in the program include Introduction to Philosophy, which covers fundamental philosophical issues and readings from significant historical and contemporary sources. Introduction to Ethics delves into social and ethical questions such as the nature of a happy life, concepts of good and evil, and societal roles of gender and race, with a focus on justice and oppression in the American context. Elementary Logic teaches the methods of logical argumentation, helping students make inferences and avoid common fallacies. Other essential courses include the History of Ancient Philosophy and History of Modern Philosophy, which explore major philosophical themes and their historical and cultural contexts.

Graduates of the BA in Philosophy with a concentration in Applied Ethics are well-prepared for various career paths. The program equips students with critical thinking, analytical, and ethical reasoning skills, making them suitable for roles such as consultants, corporate trainers, counselors, curators, and entrepreneurs. For instance, consultants utilize their analytical skills to diagnose business problems and develop strategies for improvement, while corporate trainers use their ability to convey complex ideas to create and deliver effective training programs.

Philosophy majors also find opportunities as financial analysts, healthcare administrators, human resources specialists, journalists, lawyers, marketing managers, policy analysts, professors, public relations specialists, social workers, writers, and UX designers. Each of these roles benefits from the skills developed through a philosophy education, such as ethical reasoning, problem-solving, creative thinking, empathy, communication, and attention to detail. The program's emphasis on these skills ensures that graduates are well-equipped to navigate and excel in a wide range of professional environments.

To maximize their career potential, philosophy majors are encouraged to emphasize their soft skills on their resumes, cover letters, and during interviews. Gaining practical experience through internships, externships, independent projects, volunteer work, or job simulations can also demonstrate their ability to apply their skills in professional settings. By effectively sharing their professional stories and connecting their academic experiences to the skills employers are looking for, graduates can successfully transition into rewarding careers.

In conclusion, the BA in Philosophy with a concentration in Applied Ethics from the University of Memphis Global offers a robust education that prepares students for diverse career opportunities. The program's focus on ethical theories, logical reasoning, and the history of philosophy provides a strong foundation for graduates to excel in various professional fields, applying their critical thinking and analytical skills to make meaningful contributions in their chosen careers.