
The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the University of Memphis Global provides a thorough understanding of human behavior, cultural dynamics, and the natural world. This interdisciplinary program combines insights from the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences, delivering a comprehensive education that prepares students for diverse professional and personal growth. Requiring a minimum of 120 credit hours, the degree offers flexible learning pathways to accommodate different schedules. Students can complete the program entirely online through UofM Global or combine it with previously earned college credits, making it ideal for working professionals and those with other commitments.

The program emphasizes the development of key skills such as effective communication, quantitative analysis, and critical reasoning. These competencies are crucial for interpreting psychological research, understanding complex human behaviors, and applying psychological principles in various contexts.

Graduates are equipped for a wide range of career opportunities. Potential roles include Clinical Social Worker, assisting individuals and families with life challenges, or Health Educator, focusing on the development and promotion of health programs. Other career paths include Community Relations Officer and Environmental Researcher, where psychological expertise can enhance community engagement and address environmental issues.

The program underscores the importance of applying psychological knowledge to foster responsible citizenship and contribute to societal well-being. Graduates are prepared to use their understanding of psychology to positively impact their families, communities, and broader society, making meaningful contributions through their professional roles.