Certificate in Imaging and Signal Processing

If you want to know what an electrical or computer engineer does, look down at the smart phone in your hand. They design the protocols that transmit voice and date to your phone, the electronic circuits that allow you to interact with your phone through sound, sight, and touch, and the software for that connects to the hardware allowing the apps that we all use. Since we train you to be problems solvers, EECE graduates also have the skills to work in electric power, biomedical technologies, and many other technical fields, as well as business, law, and medicine.

To help students achieve their degrees in EECE, we offer both the fundamental knowledge and hands-on projects through which students acquire the skills necessary to achieve their goals. In addition, our department is a community of students, faculty, and staff who strive for excellence in our endeavors. We consciously try to build that community through department events, student organizations, and a close relationship between faculty and students. Therefore, students not only acquire the academic skills, but also the personal and professional attributes that are necessary for success.