Master of Science in Nutrition - Environmental Nutrition

The master's program in Environmental Nutrition is a fully online, 33-credit hour program that emphasizes nutritional issues through an environmental lens. The program examines the relationships between food, nutrition, and the environment.

Relevant research and theoretical foundations towards best practices guides the curriculum. Issues related to food sustainability, traditional food practices, food justice and alternative and complementary approaches to nutrition are examined. Students must complete an applied project and internship grounded in the practical application of sustainable nutrition practices.

Environmental Nutrition Testimonials

Enrolling in this graduate program was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I’ve been able to improve my own health and encourage others to do the same by using the knowledge I gained in classes like Lifestyle Wellness & Disease Prevention. With the program being 100% online, I was able to earn my Master’s Degree in less than two years, while continuing to work full-time and raise a family.

- Hilary DeLuco

In my quest to connect the dots between nutrition, health, the environment and sustainability, I pursued a Master's degree to better understand the role of the environment in nutritional outcomes. The University of Memphis Environmental Nutrition Program has been a great choice in helping me to achieve this. The courses offered reflect the complex adaptive nature of sustainable food and nutrition security in relation to agriculture, health, social culture, politics and the ecosystem.

- Camelta Barnes