Scholarship Service Hour Requirement Options

As a scholarship student at the University of Memphis, you are required to perform a certain number of service hours in order to keep your scholarship. Our office has developed this sheet to give you a list of options that you have to complete your service hours. Our office will need official verification from your site supervisor that you have completed your service hours. The service hour verification letter should be on official letterhead, signed by your site supervisor, who may not be a related party or yourself, and must include the following: Your UID number, name, total hours volunteered, a brief summary of your responsibilities, and your site supervisor’s contact information. Service hours must be completed during the academic year in which the scholarship award is received. Verification of service hours is due by June 1st of each academic year. Note: hours in excess of your scholarship requirement do not carry forward. Scholarships will not be renewed for the upcoming school year until service hour completion is verified and appropriate supporting documentation is received by the Scholarship Office.

The Helen Hardin Honors Program

In lieu of service hours, students actively participating in the Helen Hardin Honors Program at the University of Memphis may fulfill the service hour requirement using the following methods. Active participation for service hour fulfillment means completing two (2) three-hour Honors courses per year, earning a grade no lower than a B, completing an approved Honors Experience (i.e., undergraduate research/internship, graduate course, honors directed study etc. ) or contracting for Honors credit and satisfactorily completing the Honors contract work while earning a grade of A or B. Each Honors course taken completes one semester's requirement (75 hours) for service hours (i.e. two Honors courses completed per year fulfills your service requirement of 150 hours). For more information on becoming a member of the University Honors Program go to: https://www.memphis.edu/honors

National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)

Students participating in NCUR through the University Honors Program have fulfilled their scholarship hour obligation to the University of Memphis. You must submit a statement on letterhead from the Helen Hardin Honors Program signed by the Director/Assistant Director and return it to the Scholarship Office.

Educational Support Program (ESP)

Scholarship service hours can be earned by tutoring through the Educational Support Program (ESP). If you have the following characteristics, you could be an ESP tutor: 1) Good standing in the Scholarship Program 2) Like working with others 3) Interested in learning about yourself 4) Reliable and dependable 5) Can schedule hours each week for service hours (until they are completed). You must submit a statement on letterhead signed by a representative from the Educational Support Program that includes your name, UID number, a brief description of responsibilities, hours worked, and their contact information. Contact ESP at 678-2704 for more information.

Officer in a Registered Student Organization

Students currently serving in an officer capacity with a Registered Student Organization at the University of Memphis requiring significant responsibilities for the benefit of the organization have fulfilled their scholarship hour obligation to the University of Memphis. You must have the Advisor of the student organization or the University of Memphis advisor type a memo on letterhead that includes your name, UID number, position(s) held and when, a brief description of responsibilities, and advisor contact information.

Participation in Major Student Coordinated Organizations/Events

Students significantly involved in the following have fulfilled their scholarship hour obligation to The University of Memphis:

  • Student Government Association
  • Student Ambassador Board
  • Emerging Leaders Program
  • Student Activities Council (Leadership Positions)
  • Resident Advisor Program
  • Frosh Camp (Leadership Positions)
  • Up Til Dawn (Leadership Positions)
  • International or National Student Exchange Program Participation

You must have the Advisor of the student organization or the University of Memphis advisor type a memo on letterhead that includes your name, UID number, position(s) held and when, a brief description of responsibilities, and advisor contact information.

Individual Service Contract Option

Students currently participating in volunteer service activities in the community may receive credit depending on the level of involvement/time commitment. If you wish to apply for this option please speak to the Scholarship office about your plan. You must have the site supervisor type a memo on letterhead that includes your name, UID number, hours volunteered, a brief description of responsibilities, and their contact information. Go to http://www.volunteermemphis.org/ for more suggested service activities in Memphis.

The University of Memphis Office Assignment

Many University of Memphis departments and programs utilize scholarship students to perform various office tasks. If you are unable to complete your service hours in any other manner, the Scholarship Office has a list of departments on campus who need service volunteers. Such offices as the University Library, Campus School, Honors Program and the Recruitment Offices need assistance with various tasks during the school year. You must have the department supervisor send the Scholarship Office an email that includes your name, UID number, hours volunteered, a brief description of responsibilities, and their contact information.