ATTENTION: The EBSCO Discovery Service (basic and advanced search below) and EBSCOhost databases will finish migrating to a new user interface on December 16, 2024. Some saved items in MyEBSCO folders will not transfer to the new EBSCO interface. Please review this guide on transferring saved content or contact the Libraries for more information.
Research Appointments
Accessibility Services
Report Access Problems
Center for Writing & Communication
Students & Instructors
My Library Account
Interlibrary Loan
Faculty Resources
Course Reserves
Undergraduate, Graduate, Online Library Orientations
University Libraries Strategic Plan
Mission, Vision and Principles of the University Libraries
NEDtalks, the University Libraries' short-form research forum, will be held Oct. 23 & 24, 3-5PM, McWherter 2nd Floor. We are currently seeking UofM faculty & instructors to share their recent research in engaging & entertaining presentations in the spirit of TED Talks. Submit a presentation proposal by Sept. 25 or learn more at the link below.
LEARN MORE >Sandbox Orientations
Sign up for a sandbox creatorspace orientation for the Prusa 3D Printers, the Glowforge Laser Cutter, the Cricut Vinyl & Paper Cutter, and the Podcast Studio. Orientations are Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Spots are limited. View the full calendar and sign up at the link below.
SIGN UP >Dissertation Writers Retreat (DWR)
Join us via Microsoft Teams for these free workshops sponsored by the University Libraries, Graduate School, and Center for Writing & Communication. The next workshop will be Creating Your Scholarly Presence on Oct. 30, 6-7PM. Learn more or sign up at the link below.
UM3D offers training related to Canvas, Microsoft Teams, and more each week. View the full calendar of events and register for a training session via Teams at the link below.