Shawn P. Brown
Associate Professor

About Dr. Brown
Dr. Brown's research focuses on cross-domain microbial ecology with specific attention paid to the mechanisms of community assembly. Cross-domain microbial ecology included the integration of all microbes (fungal, bacterial, archaeal, algal, and other microorganisms) into ecological studies. Microbes are incredibly important drivers of ecosystem processes and play very influential roles in driving macro-ecological patterns and interactions. Dr. Brown's research combines traditional ecological measures with Next-Generation sequencing (NGS) to elucidate host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions. He teaches BIOL 3050 Ecology, BIOL4450/6450 Microbial Ecology, and BIOL 7701/8701 Host-Microbe Interactions.
B.S Biology – University of Oregon; PhD Biology – Kansas State University; Postdoc – University of Illinois; Postdoc – Oregon State University
Research Interests
- Mycology
- Host-Microbe Interactions
- Alpine and Nival Microbiology
- Biofilms
- Endophytes