Kelly Maust
Lambuth Campus Librarian, Assistant Professor of Teaching
Kelly Maust is the Campus Librarian at the University of Memphis Lambuth. She provides circulation, reference, instruction, research assistance, outreach, collection development, and programming services for the L.L. Gobbel Library, located at 705 Lambuth Blvd., Jackson, TN, 38301. She supervises two Library Assistants and a team of student workers. She serves as a bridge between the Lambuth Campus community and the larger world of the University Libraries, serving on several committees and meeting regularly with colleagues to help provide Lambuth faculty and students with the full array of library services.
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, M.S., Information Sciences, 2024
- University of Alabama in Huntsville, B.A., Spanish Language and Literature, 2011
Work Experience
- Campus Librarian, University of Memphis Lambuth, 2024-Present
- Library Assistant III, University of Memphis Lambuth, 2021-2024
Research Interests
- Open Educational Resources
- Archival Collections
- Literary Translation
- Maust, K. (2024). 2023 Tennessee Bibliography. Tennessee Libraries, 74 (4).
- Maust, K. (2024). On Display: Mushroom on the Bookshelf: Part I, Fungal Fiction. Tennessee Libraries, 74 (4).
- Brown, Shawn P., Maust, K., & Weston, E. (2024). Fungi of Lambuth: A Field Guide. Open Access Textbooks. 7.
- Maust, K. (2023). On Display: Blue House Books. Tennessee Libraries, 73 (2).
Conference Presentations
- Maust, K., & Singarella, I. (2024). “Increasing Library Access for Spanish Speakers: First Steps.” University Libraries Colloquium. University of Memphis, Nov. 15, 2024.
- Maust, K. (2023). “Not on the Syllabus: Bringing Popular Titles to College Readers with a Book Leasing Program.” Tenn-Share Showcase. Virtual Meeting, Oct. 18, 2023.
Outreach, Service & Membership
- American Library Association, member
- Tennessee Library Association, member