Susan Nordstrom
Associate Professor

About Dr. Nordstrom
Susan Nordstrom’s research focuses on qualitative methodological innovations that create a more just world. This focus is built from links between applied and methodological research that are informed by feminist, poststructural and posthumanist philosophies. In her applied work, she merges philosophy, qualitative research and art-making to create interventions that focus on entanglements in schools and neighborhoods. That work has been featured at the Art Museum of University of Memphis and the Memphis College of Art. Her methodological work focuses on developing ways for qualitative researchers to re-consider the work of nonhuman objects in their research practices. Her methodological articles have appeared in Qualitative Inquiry, Culture Studies, Critical Methodologies, Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology and other leading qualitative research journals. She has lectured about both her applied and methodological work across the United States and abroad.
- PhD Language and Literacy Education - The University of Georgia - 2011
- M.Ed. Elementary Education - University of Minnesota - 2004
- B.A. Spanish and Latin American Studies - University of Nebraska - Lincoln - 1999