Taneshia A. Greenidge
Assistant Professor in Clinical Mental Health

About Dr. Greenidge
Taneshia A. Greenidge holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Florida A&M University. In addition, she holds a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Central Florida. She is a 2019 graduated from the University of Florida with her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision and her ED.S. in School Counseling. Taneshia worked in the counseling field providing intensive in-home counseling services to the Ft. Lauderdale community. In the past, she has worked at the UF Pediatrics office providing community mental health services to children and adolescents of the Gainesville community. In addition to her community mental health services, Taneshia has provide school counseling services to schools in the Alachua County Public Schools. In 2019, Taneshia joined higher education as a clinical professor and field placement coordinator at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. Currently, Taneshia is a licensed mental health counselor and certified school counselor in the state of Florida. She is an Assistant Professor in Clinical Mental Health at the University of Memphis in the Counseling, Educational Psychology & Research department. Taneshia has teaching experience in Practicum, Internship, Introduction to School Counseling, Group Counseling, Play Therapy, Counseling Children and Adolescents and Marriage and family and School Counseling supervision courses. She is currently teaching Theories and Personality in Counseling. Taneshia’s dissertation focused on the lived experience of African American or Black college woman and their self-esteem and racial socialization as it relates to racially charged events on college campuses. Taneshia has past research experience in dating relationships among African American or Black college students and Bullying Prevention. Taneshia is currently working on a research study focused on the impacts of COVID-19 on School Counselors as they transitioned to online counseling services. Taneshia’s research interest focuses on improving the quality of life for African American or Black Women. Additional research focus areas are practicum and internship courses and school counselors and COVID-19. Taneshia is a member of several professional organizations including American Counseling Association and Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. In 2020, she was elected to the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervisions’ Emerging Leaders Program. Most recently, she has been invited to serve on the College of Education’s Strategic Priorities Steering Committee.
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Florida A&M University
Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy, University of Central Florida
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision, University of Florida
ED.S. in School Counseling, University of Florida