Lynda Feenaughty, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

About Lynda Feenaughty
Dr. Lynda Feenaughty joined the University of Memphis faculty in 2017. She received her B.S. and M.A. in Communicative Disorders from SUNY Geneseo. She continued on to receive her Ph.D. in Communicative Disorders at the University at Buffalo in 2016. She directs the Adult Neurogenic Communication Disorders Laboratory (ANCD) which is dedicated to research investigating the relationship between neuropsychological function and spoken language behaviors including speech motor control and language characteristics and their perceived speech adequacy secondary to neurodegenerative disease such as Multiple sclerosis (MS).
Research Interests
Dr. Feenaughty's research interests include investigating acoustic and linguistic characteristics of connected speech to determine how cognitive function influences speech motor behavior and perceived speech adequacy in individuals with neurodegenerative disease. This involves taking a deeper look at cognitive-speech motor interaction, respiratory kinematics, motor speech disorders, the impact of neuropsychological function of spoken language, as well as many other associated aspects of this relationship.