Dr. Ranganathan Gopalakrishnan

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

(901) 678-2580
Engineering Science Building 312B
Office Hours
Appointment Only
Dr. Ranganathan Gopalakrishnan


“Only candidates with a Master’s degree will be considered for PhD opportunities. Those without a Masters degree or intending to pursue MS will not be considered. To save time, please do not apply”

For prospective graduate assistants: If you would like to know more details about current projects in my group, feel free to contact me at rgplkrsh@memphis.edu. If you are seeking graduate assistant/postdoc positions, state "PhD applicant for Fall/Spring 20xx" in the subject line.

For prospective postdoctoral applicants: Please see the job posting for an ongoing postdoctoral associate recruitment: https://workforum.memphis.edu/postings/41355  If you would like to know more details about current projects in my group, feel free to contact me at rgplkrsh@memphis.edu.

Presentation of Current and Future Research Projects 

Professional Experience:

  • Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Memphis, August 2022 - current
    R. Eugene Smith Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Sept. 2022 – Aug. 2023)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Memphis, August 2016 – 2022
    UMRF Ventures Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Sept. 2020-Aug. 2022)
    R. Eugene Smith Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Sept. 2021 – Aug. 2022)
    US Dept of Energy EARLY CAREER Award 2020 https://science.osti.gov/early-career
  • Visiting Academic Fellow, Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux, University Paris XIII, July 1 – 20, 2018.
  • Lecturer, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, The University of Iowa, August 2015 to July 2016
  • Postdoctoral Scholar in Chemical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, October 2014 to July 2015.
  • Postdoctoral Scholar in Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, September 2013 to September 2014.


Educational Background:

  • Ph. D., University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, U. S. A., August 2013.
  • Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India. May 2008.


Scholarly Interests:

  • Transport processes in gas-phase systems (aerosols, dusty plasmas and ionized gases)
  • High concentration aerosol generation using ultrasonic dispersion of powders
  • Aerosol Impact Consolidation method for producing ceramic thin films