Dr. Vipin Agarwal
Assistant Professor
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Memphis, August 2023 - current
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2019-2023
·Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, 2014-2019
·Technology Specialist, Ansys, 2014
·Edison Engineer, General Electric, 2011-2014
Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering), University of Maryland College Park, MD, USA, 2019
B. Tech – M. Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, 2011
Nonlinear phenomena, Dynamics, Vibrations and Controls, Origami Engineering, Cochlear Mechanics
Research Area Specifics
Stochastic Dynamics & Nonlinear Analysis
Vibrations and Controls
Origami Engineering – Deployable Structures Dynamics
Data Driven Nonlinear Dynamics
Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Harvesting
Cochlear Mechanics
Brief Description (Research)
My research delves into nonlinear phenomena, employing analytical, computational and experimental methodologies. I place a particular emphasis on a diverse array of subjects including nonlinear dynamics, stochastic dynamics, vibrations and control, and robotics. Additionally, I explore the intricacies of metastructures and metamaterials, origami engineering, and cochlear mechanics.
Research Laboratory Name
Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Analysis Lab
Research Laboratory
Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Analysis Lab focuses on the following areas:
1. Investigating the dynamics influenced by noise (stochastic perturbation) across various systems, both mechanical and non-mechanical. The aim is to harness real-life noise constructively.
2. Designing a neural machine with the capability to predict long-term transient chaos in nonlinear systems, facilitating early detection and control of undesired dynamical states.
3. Exploring the nonlinear phenomena inherent in origami structures and pioneering metastructures suitable for diverse engineering applications.
Research Applications
1. Rotor-Stator Systems
2. Cooperative Robotic Systems
3. Nano and Microscale Devices
4. Neuroscience & Brain Disease Detection
5. Energy Harvesting
6. Intracellular Transportation
7. Deployable Structures
Brief Description
· Noise is not merely random disturbances; nature often harnesses it as a valuable energy source. By compiling a diverse library of studies on noise-influenced dynamics across various high-dimensional systems, both mechanical and non-mechanical, we are poised to harness real-life noise with intent and purpose.
· The importance of forecasting extended transient chaos is underscored in both engineering and biomedical sectors. This emphasis arises as a direct result of the transient nature of many machine breakdowns and certain brain diseases.
· The complex geometry and potential for multistable states in origami (deployable) structures result in pronounced nonlinear dynamics. Delving into these dynamics has the potential to unlock groundbreaking applications for origami-inspired, nonlinearly tunable structures in robotics, aerospace, and even architecture.