Lyn Wright

B.A., 1995, Emory University
M.A., 2002, American University
Ph.D., 2009, Georgetown University
Academic Summary
Lyn Wright is an applied linguist with interests in bi- and multilingualism, language policy, and language learning and teaching. Her research investigates the ideological, interactional, and affective aspects of language development through language socialization and discourse analytic approaches. She has published on topics of family language policy, language and kinship, sexuality and language learning, and engaged learning in TESOL teacher training. Working with the diverse multilingual and multidialectal students in her classes at UM informs both her research and her teaching. She is the author of Critical perspectives on language and kinship in multilingual families (Bloomsbury Academic) and Second language socialization and learner agency: Talk in three adoptive families (Multilingual Matters). She is also a former Fulbright Fellow (Russia) and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Ukraine).
Select Publications
- Wright, L. & Higgins, C. (eds.) (under contract). Diversifying family language policy: Diverse families, modalities, speakers, and contexts. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Wright, L. (2020). Critical perspectives on language and kinship in multilingual families. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Fogle, L. Wright (2012). Second language socialization and learner agency: Adoptive family talk. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Articles and Chapters
- Wright, L. (2018). Evaluating Place in Orientations of Narratives of Internal Migration. Narrative Inquiry, 28(1), 198-214.
- Wright, L. (2017). Bilingual/bisexual: Linguistic and Sexual Fluidity in Fictional Accounts of Language Learning. The Journal of Language and Sexuality, 6(1), 177-203.
- Fogle, L. Wright (2013). Parental Ethnotheories and Family Language Policy in Transnational Adoptive Families. Language Policy, 12(1), 83-102. 10.1007/s10993-012-9261-8.
- King, K. A. & Fogle, L. Wright (2006). Raising Bilingual Children: Common Parental Concerns and Current Research. CAL Digest. Center for Applied Linguistics. (Reprinted in 2009 as La crianza de niños bilingües: Preocupaciones comunes de los padres y las investigaciones actuales [Raising bilingual children: Common parental concerns and current research]).