William Duffy
Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Patterson Hall 445
Office Hours

B.A., Elon University
M.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Academic Summary
Dr. Duffy specializes in rhetoric and writing studies, with particular interests in collaborative writing, artificial intelligence, and communication ethics. He served as the founding director of the UofM's Center for Writing and Communication as well as coordinator of the WRTC program. He is the author of Beyond Conversation: Collaboration and the Production of Writing (2020) and editor of the forthcoming volume Rhetoric and Religion as Resources for Resistance.
Recent Publications
- “Virtue Ethics: Conversing with the Dissonant Remainders of Democracy’.” The Handbook of Communication Ethics. Second Edition. Ed. Amit Pinchevski, Patrice M. Buzzanell, and Jason Hannan. Routledge. 2024, FORTHCOMING
- "Definition as Invention: Turning a Familiar Concept into a Critical Keyword." Revising Moves: Writing Stories of Re(Making). Ed. Allison Carr, Christina LaVecchia, Laura Micciche, Hannah Rule, and Jayne Stone. Utah State University Press, 2024.
- “Composition, Critics, and Care Work: An Undisciplined Reflection on Disciplinary Expertise.” Coauthored with Jacob Babb. Composition and Rhetoric in Contentious Times. Ed. Rachel McCabe and Jennifer Juszkiewicz. Utah State University Press, 2023.
- “What is Rhetoric? A ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Primer.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 5. Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse. 2023.
- "Trump's Thumbs: Pollice Verso and the Spectacle of Ambiguity." Rhetoric Society Quarterly, April 2023. doi: 10.1080/02773945.2022.2146167.
- "Doubt". Coauthored with John Pell. Democracies in America: Keywords for the 19th Century and Today. Ed. Berton Emerson and Gregory Laski. Oxford University Press, 2022.
- "Agentic Discord in Writing Studies: Toward Autoethnographic Accounts of Disciplinary Lore." Self-Culture Writing: Autoethnography for/as Writing Studies, 2021.