Lindsay Helms
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Assistant Director of First-Year Writing
PT 106
Office Hours

BA in English, 2017, University of Memphis
MA in Romance Languages, 2019, University of Memphis
PhD in Applied Linguistics, 2023, University of Memphis
Academic Summary
Lindsay Helms is an applied linguist with research interests in task-based learning, needs analysis, and Languages for Specific Purposes. She teaches a variety of composition, linguistics, and ESL courses for the Department of English. She has extensive experience teaching both English and Spanish in high school, university, and adult education settings.
- Helms, L. (2024). Spanish for Emergency Room Nursing: A task-based needs analysis, TASK, 4(2), 164–202.
- Helms, L., Pitner, H. & Adams, R. (2023). Spanish for nursing: A needs analysis for a Spanish for nursing course, Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, 29, 74-93.
Helms, L., Adams, R., & Worrick, A. (in progress). The L2 motivational self-systems of STEM students from Spain in a task-based academic English course. This qualitative study will examine changes in the motivation of STEM students as they learn academic English.