University of Minnesota, Department of Communication Studies, PhD. 2021
University of Calcutta, India, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, MA 2013
Serampore College, India, Department of Communicative English, BA 2011
Publications (selected):
- Roy, Elja., (In-Print), “Musical Mangrove: Community-Based Media Making in the Sundarbans”
– for edited volume River Delta Futures: Endangered Communities in Audiovisual Media.,
Bloomsbury Academic.
Dirksen, Rebecca., Pedelty, Mark., *Roy, Elja., Pang, Yan., (2023), “Deeply Engaged, Digitally Mediated: Field to Media as an Empirical Methodology”
Pedelty, Mark; Roy, Elja. (2022). “Film as Fieldwork.” In Jon Nussbaum (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dirksen, Rebecca., Hatfield, Tara., Pang, Yan., *Roy, Elja., (2019), “Field to Media: Applied Ecomusicology in the Anthropocene”, Journal of Popular Music.
Productions (selected):
Roy, Elja (2023) - Ochin Pakhi (documentary feature) - Director, Producer, Editor, Audio Recording, Videographer.
Roy, Elja., (2021) – "Jagote Anandajoggye" (music video) Director, Producer, Editor, Videographer, in collaboration with Chicago Folklore Ensemble
Roy, Elja. (2021) – Together Alone: Aamay Bhashaili Rey (music video) – Producer
Roy, Elja. (2020) – Musical Mangrove (documentary short) – Director, Producer, Editor, Audio Recording, Videographer.