Alawi H. Alawi
PhD Graduate Student

An International student, Ali Alawi is a current PhD student specializing in Intercultural and instructional communication. His goal in the PhD program and during his time here in the U.S. before he is going back to his country to teach and search is, blend intercultural and instructional communication and under that, I am concern about social change issues that would involve improving communities by teaching intercultural competence to converse with various groups. Education is my tool that would use to initiate social change within communities.
B.A. in Education, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 2008
M.A. in Communication Studies, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX, 2015
Currently, Ali Alawi is the president of Saudi Student's Association at University
of Memphis.
Alawi, A. (2016). Integrating Culture into Obesity Campaigns for Children: Two Illustrative
Examples from the United States & Middle East. Tennessee Communication Association
Convention. Dickson, TN.
Alawi, A. (2016). ("Bel-Arabi" English please!): Code-switching behavior among
Saudi Students in the United States. (submitted to be published)
Alawi, Ali (2016). An international student inside the NCRM. (submitted to conference).
Alawi, Ali. (2016). A Comparison on Community Empowerment and Social Change between
Saudi Arabia and the United States: Focusing on the Gender Issues. (submitted to be
Research Interests Include:
Intercultural Communication
Instructional Communication
Language and Social Interactions