David Lumsden
Emeritus Professor
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- BA, SUNY Buffalo, 1958
- MS, SUNY Buffalo, 1960
- PhD, University of Illinois, 1965
Research Interests
Sedimentary petrology, origin of dolomite, application of ESR to carbonate geochemistry, age dating and the origin of the Peoria Loess, lithostratigraphy of the Memphis Aquifer.
Selected Publications
- Lumsden, D.N., Hundt, K.R., and Larsen, D., 2009, Petrology of the Memphis Sand in the Northern Mississippi Embayment: Southeastern Geology, v. 46, p. 121-133.
- Cox, R. T., Lumsden, D.N., Gough, K., Lloyd, R.V. Talnagi, J., 2008, Investigation of late Quaternary fault block uplift along the Motagua/Swan Islands fault system: Implications for seismic/tsunami hazard for the Bay of Honduras: Tectonophysics, v. 457, p. 30-41.
- Lumsden, D.N., 2003, Organodiagenetic dolomite on a deep subtidal shelf, Fort Payne Formation (Mississippian), Tennessee, U.S.A.: in Ahr, W.M., Harris, P.M., Morgan, W.A., and Somerville, I.D., eds., SEPM Special Publication 78: Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs, p. 323-332.
- Lumsden, D.N., Galluzzi, J.W., Drouin, P.A., and Lumsden, C.H., 2003, Provenance of the Peoria Loess in the Northern Mississippi Embayment: Geological Society of America Southcentral/Southeast Section Meeting Guidebook., Report of Investigation 51, State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, p. 145 - 152.
- Lumsden, D.N., and Caudle, G.C., 2001, The origin of massive dolostone: The Upper Knox model: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 71, p. 400-409.