The University Libraries are unable to provide laptops for semester loan in 2025. The laptops were purchased with one-off COVID funds by the University in 2020 and are now too old to be maintained. Users can checkout laptops on a short-term basis (1 business day or 24 hour) from the Circulation desk. Computer workstations are available on all floors of McWherter Library and each of the branch libraries. Please provide us with feedback by completing the semester loan laptop program survey.

Research Appointments
Accessibility Services
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Center for Writing & Communication

Students & Instructors
My Library Account
Interlibrary Loan
Faculty Resources
Course Reserves
Undergraduate, Graduate, Online Library Orientations
University Libraries Strategic Plan
Mission, Vision and Principles of the University Libraries
Dissertation Writers Retreat (DWR)
Join us via Microsoft Teams for these free workshops sponsored by the University Libraries, Graduate School, and Center for Writing and Communication. The first workshop, Keeping Your Thoughts Organized: Strategies for Note Taking & Outlining, will be on Feb. 6, 6-7PM. The next workshop, Creating Your Research Diet: Strategies for Tracking New Publications in Your Field, will be on March 4, 6-7PM. For more details or to sign up on TigerZone, click the link below.
Tigers Speak & Write Series
Join us in the McWherter 1st Floor Learning Commons for these free events sponsored by the CWC, the English Department, and the University Libraries. Drop by Tigers Write on Feb. 11, 10AM-1PM, to learn about developing your topic & thesis, structuring your paper, finding sources, and more. Drop by Tigers Speak on Feb. 20, 10:30AM-1:30PM, to learn about overcoming presentation anxiety, outlining your presentation, creating effective delivery notes, and more.
Sandbox Orientations
Sign up for a sandbox creatorspace orientation for the Prusa 3D Printers and the Glowforge Laser Cutter. Orientations are available weekly. Spots are limited and registration is required. View the full calendar and sign up at the link below.
UM3D Training
UM3D offers training related to Canvas, Microsoft Teams, and more each week. View the full calendar of events and register for a training session via Teams at the link below.