Jerry Bartholomew
Emeritus Professor
Office Hours
My interests span a wide range of geologic subjects and regions and I am currently working with colleagues and students both at the University of Memphis and elsewhere on different problems. I, along with several other members of the department, am especially interested in relationships among active faults, associated seismicity, and geomorphologic expression of those faults.
- B.S., Penn State, 1964
- M.S., University of Southern California, 1969
- PhD., Virginia Tech , 1971
Selected Publications
- Bartholomew, M.J., Tollo, R.P., 2004, Northern ancestry for the Goochland terrane as a displaced fragment of Laurentia: Geology, v. 32, no.8, p.669-672.
- Bartholomew, M.J., Tollo, R.P., 2004, Reply to a Discussion by Bailey, C., Owens, B., and Shirvell, C.R. of: Northern ancestry for the Goochland terrane as a displaced fragment of Laurentia: Geology, v. 32, no. 12, Online Forum.
- Tollo, R.P., Corriveau, L., McLelland,J., Bartholomew, M.J., 2004, Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the Grenville orogen in North America: An introduction, p.1-18 in R.P. Tollo, L. Corriveau, J.B. McLelland, M.J. Bartholomew, editors, 2004, Proterozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Grenville Orogen in North America: Geological Society of America Memoir197, 820p.
- Hughes, S.S.,Lewis, S.E., Bartholomew, M.J., Sinha, A.K., Herz, N., 2004, Geology and geochemistry of granitic and charnockitic rocks in the central Lovingston massif of the Grenvillian Blue Ridge Terrane, U.S.A., p.549-569 in R.P. Tollo, L. Corriveau, J.B. McLelland, M.J. Bartholomew, editors, 2004, Proterozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Grenville Orogen in North America: Geological Society of America Memoir 197, 820p.
- Tollo, R.P., Aleinikoff, J.N., Bartholomew, M.J., Rankin, D.W., 2004, Neoproterozoic A-type granitoids of the central and southern Appalachians: Intraplate magmatism associated with episodic rifting of the Rodinian supercontinent: Precambrian Research, V.128, no.1, p.3-38.
- Hughes, S.S., Lewis, S.E., Bartholomew, M.J., Sinha, A.K., Hudson, T.A., Herz, N., 1997, Chemical diversity and origin of Precambrian charnockitic rocks of the central Pedlar massif, Grenvillian Blue Ridge Terrane, Virginia: Precambrian Research, V. 84, p.37-62.
- Bartholomew, M.J., 1992, Structural characterization of the late Proterozoic (post‑Grenville) continental margin of the Laurentian craton, p.443-467 in M.J.
- Bartholomew, D.W. Hyndman, D.W. Mogk, R. Mason, editors, BASEMENT TECTONICS 8: Characterization and Comparison of Ancient and Mesozoic Continental Margins‑‑Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Basement Tectonics, held in Butte, Montana, USA, August, 1988: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 745p.
- Bartholomew, M.J., Lewis, S.E., 1992, Appalachian Grenvillian massifs: pre‑Appalachian translational tectonics, p.363-374 in R. Mason, editor, BASEMENT TECTONICS 7: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Basement Tectonics, held in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August, 1987: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 480p.