Group Instruction
  • Course Integrated Instruction
    Librarians & instructors collaborate to teach information literacy skills that students need to successfully complete course assignments & related research.
  • Subject-Related Instruction
    Introduces resources of a specific discipline. Useful for new graduate or Ph.D. students, graduate assistants, organizations, & students working on group projects.
  • Resource-Specific Instruction
    Provides instruction on a particular library resource, such as a database, the 3D printer, RefWorks, etc.
  • Tours
    Physical orientation to the facilities & services of the McWherter Library. 

Individual Instruction

  • In-Depth Consultation
    Individual conferences to discuss research & information needs with a reference librarian. Especially helpful for major research projects, theses, and dissertations.
  • Research and Information Services (RIS) Desk Assistance
    Located to your right as you enter the McWherter Library; staffed 91 hours a week. 901.678.2208
  • Ask A Librarian
    Reference services via chat, text, email, etc. 
  • Database Training
    Research Guide with links to database training modules all in one location.