There are a variety of resources available to the LGBTQ+ community, on our campus
and within our community. Please explore the opportunities here, and let us know if
there are any areas of support that we are missing.
UofM Campus Resources
List of Gender Neutral Restrooms on Campus >
Preferred Name | Students can submit a preferred name form at
Personal Pronoun | Students can submit a personal pronoun form at
Email Display Assistance | For a different name display for your email, please submit a preferred name form to the Registrar’s Office. Once the preferred name is added to the system, students can go to, choose Email and Account Settings, and then choose Preferred email address. Email display options (with variations based on preferred name provided) will be available for the student to select.
Transgender Voice Development | In addition to working with voice disorders, the Memphis Speech and Hearing Center provides services for people who want to develop a voice consistent with their gender identity. Through adjustments in pitch, resonance, intonation, and even word choice and social mannerisms, this can be accomplished. The Center's Speech Pathology staff provides a caring and safe environment in which to explore the possibilities, develop a course of action, and acquire the voice desired.
Office of Multicultural Affairs | | The LGBTQ+ homepage is your one-stop resource for LGBTQ+ students, faculty, staff and allies. Here you can find information pertaining to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, and many other communities at the University of Memphis.
Classroom Resources | Create an Inclusive Classroom
- Applying the Seven Learning Principles to Creating LGBT-Inclusive Classrooms – AACU
- Developing LGBT-Inclusive Classroom Resources – GSLEN
- Gender-Inclusive/Non-Sexist Language Guidelines and Resources – University of Pittsburgh Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Program
Support Our Students
Stonewall Tigers aims to create an inclusive space on campus to students, staff, faculty, and members of the Memphis community as a whole to share a common ground and take from us whatever they need. We actively promote LGBTQ+ education, safe sex education, and activism education while keeping the spaces we inhabit safe, open, free, and welcoming to people of all backgrounds.
Learn more about Stonewall Tigers >
City of Memphis and External Resources
Explore resources within our community >
For more information, contact