The first big week on campus.

Your first week at the University of Memphis will be exciting, but in all the rush, there are some things you must do in order to make your transition to college life smooth.

Check location of classes
Check myMemphis to CONFIRM buildings and room numbers for classes, at least 48 hours prior to class. Room assignments may change after you have registered and printed your schedule.

Register your car now
All cars on campus must be registered and have the parking permit displayed or they are subject to ticketing and/or towing. You should have received your parking hang tag from Parking Services in the mail prior to the semester beginning.

Buy all your books early
Get your required texts for all your classes at the beginning of the term. The bookstore sometimes runs short, and books may be hard to get later. Most required materials (as well as other school supplies) are available at the University Bookstore near the University Center. Keep all receipts—if you need to return your book because of schedule changes (or because you bought the wrong text), you'll need the receipt for a full refund.

Go to all your classes and read the syllabus
Each of your teachers will pass out a syllabus within the first couple of days of the semester. Read each syllabus carefully and ask questions about any unclear parts. Go to all classes—don't make the mistake of thinking that it is okay to miss the early lectures. This is when your teachers set out the goals, expectations and even the mood of the classroom. Faculty are required to report attendance to the financial aid office, to ensure eligibility. Faculty are also encouraged to submit "early intervention" reports for poor attendance as well as other behaviors which may interfere with success in class. We can't say it enough, go to class!

Add or drop classes correctly
During the first week you have the opportunity to adjust your schedule by dropping and adding classes. IT IS UP TO YOU TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BEEN DROPPED FROM A CLASS ROSTER IF YOU DROP! If you simply stop attending the class, you may receive an "F" on your grade report at the end of the semester.

Search out study spots
Go exploring for places to study. Check out the second, third and fourth floors of the McWherter Library, and various other out-of-the-way nooks which seem comfortable for your study needs.

Work out stress
Even the most concientious student needs to burn off steam and get the blood flowing.Explore the renovated and expanded Student Recreation and Fitness Center. Check out the track, the gym, the weights, the pool and the many exercise and health programs available.

Join in
Investigate all of the campus groups available to join. Check out the Student Leadership & Involvement page for a listing of campus organizations. Attend those campus activities that interest you.

Phone home
Email or phone home regularly. This is good for you and for those who miss you.

Pay those bills
Pay all your bills due the University as quickly as possible. Non-payment means you cannot access your grades and can't register for the next semester! You can now pay your bills online on myMemphis under your Accounts tab.

Get a TigerLAN Password
To have Internet access, computer labs, university email, and many other services offered by Computer Services, a TigerLAN password is required. To get this password, you can go to either Room 134 in the Administration Building, or any of the TigerLAN Labs on campus (such as the Library or Smith Chemistry Building). Simply swipe your University ID card through the reader and it will give you a User ID and password. If you have problems, ask a lab attendant. For more information as well as lab hours, please check TigerLAN link.