Judging Criteria

Each presentation will be evaluated by at least two judges on a scale of 100 points.

(30 Points) Conception and Execution

1. Is this project well conceived and executed?

2. Is the research question clearly presented in the context of past research or literature?

3. Does the research design or mode of inquiry follow the research question?

(30 Points) Content

Does the project result in defensible conclusions or interpretations that are clearly explained and meaningfully related?

(30 Points) Command of Scholarship

1. Judging from the student's presentation and responses to questions, is there a fundamental grounding in the subject matter?

2. Does the student understand the larger context of the inquiry and the relationship between her/his work and the scholarly tradition of which it is part?

(10 Points) Visual Presentation

Considering the topic, how well did the student summarize and display key points?