Access your future.
We believe income should never get in the way of education. That’s why we’ve had the lowest tuition and fee increases in the state of Tennessee over the past five years. More than 90% of our full-time freshmen receive financial aid, and once enrolled, are supported through various ACCESS MEMPHIS programs, dedicated to helping keep them in school and meet their educational goals. Because at UofM, we’re all about forward progress.
More than 50 percent of first-time freshmen at the University of Memphis are eligible for Federal Pell Grants. Last year, 86 percent of these students had their tuition and fees fully covered by Pell, Hope Scholarship and UofM institutional aid.
Access Affordable Education.
The Memphis Commitment |
The University of Memphis' commitment has always been, and continues to be, one of delivering high-quality educational programs to all of our students at the lowest possible cost. Toward this end, the UofM recently approved and implemented the following as part of our Access Memphis initiative:
MemphisPromise |
The Memphis Promise is a commitment to assist Tennessee residents with funding their
college education at the University of Memphis. The Memphis Promise is a last-dollar
scholarship which fills the gap between a student’s financial aid and the cost of
tuition. *Must qualify for the Federal Pell Grant and Hope Scholarship |
Access Memphis.
Would you like additional information about tuition assistance, Memphis Promise or other Access Memphis topics? Submit the form below and our team will contact you.
- or - Contact us via phone at 901.678.3213
Hear Darryl's UofM Story
Simplified Student Fee Structure Updates
Over the past year, the University has been committed to access and affordability
initiatives which simplify and create uniformity in our tuition and fee structure.
We will continue to discuss a proposal to simplify our mandatory fee structure.
View details of the proposed structure and provide feedback >