Welcome to CARES!
The Center for Academic Retention and Enrichment Services (CARES) provides academic support programming and services to improve the academic success of The University of Memphis students. Through both academic and non-academic services, CARES seeks to enrich skills to increase student success, decrease the number of students being academically dismissed from The University of Memphis, promote academic excellence, and improve timely graduation. CARES personnel also monitor the academic progression of students through their return to Academic Good Standing.
CARES Mission
The mission of the Center for Academic Retention and Enrichment Services (CARES) is to increase retention and graduation rates by enriching the academic progression of academically at-risk students. CARES assists students with identifying and overcoming personal concerns, academic deficiencies and life difficulties that could continue to impair their chances of succeeding in college, while helping them develop good study habits, self-management, and decision-making skills that increase retention and graduation rates for college students. The Center for Academic Retention and Enrichment Services "CARES" about the academic and personal well-being of students and exists to partner with them in reaching their academic goals.
CARES Initiatives
Intrusive Counseling
CARES Counselors and Academic Coaches provide academic counseling and academic support services for students. These services may include course selection, goal setting, time management, and developing strategies and action plans for personal and academic success of college students. CARES Counselors and Academic Coaches work closely with faculty and departments to refer students to the University's support services as appropriate to the individual student's needs.
Academic Support
CARES maintains study and computer labs to provide academic enrichment and support to students to augment classroom instruction. CARES students are strongly encouraged to spend time in the CARES support labs as part of their academic requirements. In addition the CARES support personnel counsels and/or refers students to other campus services for assistance.
Academic Success Seminar (ACAD 2200)
Students who are on Academic Probation are required to enroll in a one hour course, ACAD 2200: Academic Success Seminar, and work with a Retention Counselor from the Center for Academic Retention and Enrichment Services. The goals of these activities are to help the student introspectively identify the barriers to their success and to help the student avoid Academic Suspension. The course is taught by CARES Retention Counselors.
Early Intervention Reporting
The Early Intervention Program at The University of Memphis is committed to the success of all students. It was instituted as a means to inform and focus on students who may be experiencing academic or personal difficulties and provide available campus resources to help ensure their best chance for success in their coursework. An integral part of the Early Intervention Program is the facilitation of a communication loop between divisions, departments, programs, advisors, and faculty to effectively intervene when a student is at risk of failing their academic courses. The Center for Academic Retention and Enrichment Services is responsible for administrative oversight of this program.
Academic Fresh Start
An Academic Fresh Start is a plan of academic forgiveness provided for undergraduate students who have gained maturity through extended experience outside higher education institutions and have demonstrated better than average academic performance following their return to the University of Memphis. It allows for the calculation of the applicant's grade point average and credit hours toward graduation to be based only on work completed after returning to college. This Tennessee Board of Regents policy is administered at The University of Memphis by the Center for Academic Retention and Enrichment Services.
Student Progress Reporting
Through various mediums, including personal meetings, email reporting, and Skype and telephone appointments, CARES Counselors and Academic Coaches interface on an ongoing basis with students who are on Academic Warning, continuing on Academic Probation or returning from Academic Suspension. Together, the Counselor/Coach and student will discuss the student's academic progress, upcoming academic work, study skills, time management strategies, and other life situations that might potentially impede the student's academic success.