Center for Innovative Research in Bridge Engineering (CIRBE) addresses issues affecting the design, analysis, and operation of bridge structures.
CIRBE's mission is to conduct innovative and applied research to design resilient and long-lasting bridges. The center will perform research, education, and technology transfer activities related to seismic and environmental hazard mitigation and increased durability of bridges. The center will utilize a state-of-the-art testing facility to evaluate the performance of bridges, identify causes of failure, and develop new and innovative methods for repair.
The CIRBE vision is to be a nationally recognized leader in linking people to solutions in multi-hazard (seismic, flooding, and wind) through research, education, and technology transfer activities.
CIRBE offers a home for a wide range of multi-hazard research and initiatives as well as public-private partnership endeavors collectively designed to provide national leadership on issues related to bridge engineering. CIRBE addresses issues affecting the design and operation of the nation's infrastructure with an emphasis on the innovative research in bridge engineering with a multi-hazard focus that have local and national significance.
Contact Us
To reach the CIRBE, please send email to spezeshk@memphis.edu or telephone (901) 678-4727.
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