Synergistic Activities

In addition to fundamental research activities, Dr. Morshed has a keen interest in community serving through technology development to enable startups and industry partners in commercial products. In the recent past, he was involved in a research at Algonquin College that led to the inaugurating product development for a startup company, "Impakt Protective Inc." (http://impaktprotective.com/), founded in 2011. The miniature helmet mounted device is an enabling technology that transmits an alert to a smart phone from the helmet of a player under severe impact with possibility of concussion. The developed technology is currently in production phase (ShockboxTM). This startup currently have an estimated $3.5 million valuation (2013).

Professional Services:

Technical Program Committee (TPC), IEEE Topical Conf. on Biomedical Wireless Technologies (IEEE BioWireleSS), Austin, TX, 24-27 Jan. 2016.
Technical Designated Reviewer, International Symposium on Health and Medical Sciences (ISHAMS), 1-3 Dec. 2015.
Technical Program Committee (TPC), IEEE Topical Conf. on Biomedical Wireless Technologies (IEEE BioWireleSS), San Diego, CA, 25-28 Jan. 2015.
Session Co-chair, BioWireleSS Session: TU3D, IEEE BioWireleSS Conf., 1:30pm – 2:50pm, Jan 27, 2015.
Scientific Co-chair, 4th IAJC/ISAM Joint Intl Conf., Orlando, FL, Sept 25-27, 2014.
Session Chair, EDU 303: Topics in Education I, IAJC/ISAM Joint Intl Conf., Sept. 26, 2014.
Advisor, IEEE Student Branch, The University of Memphis, 2013 – now.

Grant Proposal Reviewer:

Served as a panelist reviewer for CISE Directorate, National Science Foundation (NSF), Dec 2015.
Served as a panelist reviewer for CISE Directorate, National Science Foundation (NSF) on a June 2015 panel.
Served as a panelist reviewer for CISE Directorate, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2013.
Served as an external referee on Discovery Grant Review Process for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), 2013.

Article Reviewer:

Ad hoc J. Reviewer, Micromachines Journal, 2015.
Conf. Review Committee, IEEE Topical Conf. on Biomedical Wireless Technologies (BioWireleSS), 2016. (Reviewed 3 papers).
Conf. paper Reviewer, ISHAMS Conference, 2015. (Reviewed 2 papers).
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, Intl. J. of Modern Engineering, 2015.
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015.
Conf. Review Committee, IEEE Topical Conf. on Biomedical Wireless Technologies (BioWireleSS), 2015.
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, J. Laboratory Automation, 2014-2015.
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, Intl. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 2014.
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, IETE Technical Review, 2014.
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, Intl. Journal of Engineering Research & Innovation, 2014.
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, Journal of Zhejiang Univ. Science C, 2014.
Conf. Review Committee, IEEE Conf. Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 2014 (Reviewed 4 papers).
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, 2014.
Conf. Review Committee, 4th IAJC/ISAM Joint Intl Conf., 2014. (Reviewed 3 papers)
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, Elsevier J: Sensors and Actuators B, 2014.
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBCAS), 2013.
Ad hoc J. Reviewer, Elsevier J: Sensors and Actuators B, 2013.
Conf. Review Committee, IEEE Intl Conf. on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2012 (Reviewed 3 papers).
Conf. Review Committee, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEMBS), 2008.

Guest Speaker:

"Embedded Systems: Current Status and Future Trends", Guest Class lecture in EECE4279: Professional Development course, Spring 2015, University of Memphis, 27 Mar. 2015.
BIOM5306: Biomechanics Course, Biomedical Engineering Department, Carleton University, Ottawa ON Canada, 16 Nov. 2010


Science Fair Judge, Shelby County Schools Science Fair, April 15, 2014.
Judge, West Tennessee Regional Collegiate Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science (TAS), Christian Brothers University, April 6, 2013.
Science Fair Judge, Shelby County Schools Science Fair, March 6, 2013.
Poster Judge, Helen Hardin Honors Program, the University of Memphis, Jan. 2012.
Battle of Brains, Germantown High School, Germantown, TN, 2 Dec. 2011.
Ottawa Regional Science Fair, Ottawa, ON Canada, Apr. 2011.

Other Voluntary Activities:

Faculty Mentor, MemphisCRESH program, the University of Memphis, Jun. 2013 – Jul. 2013.
Faculty Mentor, MemphisCRESH program, the University of Memphis, Jun. 2012 – Jul. 2012.
Work in Progress Symposium, University of Memphis, TN, 2 Nov. 2011.
Member, Teacher In-Service Program (TISP), IEEE – Ottawa section, 2010 – 2011
Volunteer, IEEE Humanitarian Technology Challenge (HTC), Ottawa section, 2010 – 2011
Organizing Member, "Medical Devices Summit", Medical Devices Innovation Institute, at Hotel Sheraton at Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 13 May, 2010
Staff member, "16th Annual World Congress Conference of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons (WSCTS)", Westin Hotel, Ottawa, ON Canada, 17-20 Aug. 2006
Editor, souvenir publication, "BUET Reunion at Windsor", Windsor, Canada, Jan. 2004

Professional Memberships:

Member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2012 – present.
Member, IEMBS (IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society), 2008 - present.
Member, SPIE – The international society for optical engineering, 2012 – 2013.
Student Member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2004 - 2011.
Registered Member, CMC (Canadian Microelectronics Corporation), 2002 – 2011.