I have moved to CS dept. of Texas Tech University in Fall 2020. Visit my new site at TTU (link).
Embedded Systems Advanced Research and Prototyping (ESARP) Lab & Flexible Inkjet Nano Electronics (FINE) Lab
(Former: Printed BioElectronics and BioSensors Lab)
Dr. Bashir I. Morshed is an Associate Professor at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (EECE), the University of Memphis, since 2011. He has received the B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2001. He has completed the M.Sc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Windsor in 2004 and earned Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Department of Electronics, Carleton University in 2010. He was a post-doctoral fellow at the Medical Devices Innovation Institute, the University of Ottawa. He is a recipient of the Canadian Commonwealth Fellowship in 2002, Indira Gandhi Memorial Fellowship in 2004 and 2006, and Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (OGSST) in 2008. He has published 30+ journal articles and 50+ referred conference papers, one of which received the first place award. He has 2 granted patents and 3 patent applications pending. He has received research grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) as a Principal Investigator (PI) and other extramural funding as collaborators.
Dr. Morshed's research interests are body-worn electronic patch sensor development using inkjet printing and utilization of these and other wearables for mobile health applications utilizing machine learning. Embedded systems (ES) are electronic information processing elements embedded into cyber-physical systems (CPS) and contain micro-controllers dedicated for sensing, actuation, and/or control. Our research group focuses on cutting-edge ES combined with nanotechnology and Inkjet printed (IJP) additive manufactured flexible electronics for ultra-low power or zero-power wearables & body-worn sensors and artificially intelligent (AI) real-time signal processing techniques at Edge Computing realized with smartphones for mobile health (mHealth) applications towards Smart and Connected Communities (SCC) and Smart Cities.
Our research is/was supported by National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Strengthening Communities Initiative (SCI) and multiple FedEx Innovation and Technology Development grants. We have established many external collaborations including University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), Special Kids & Families (SKF), Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, and Memphis District of the United Methodist Church (UMC) for our research studies. Due to the highly trans-disciplinary nature of our research, we collaborate with researchers from varied disciplines (Public Health, Chemistry, Psychology, Physics, and medical professionals) that span across various institutes.
Voluntary online survey on Flexible ECG/EKG electrodes/devices
NSF Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Project Portal >>
NSF Smart and Connect Community (S&CC) Project Portal >>
Smart and Connected community Health, Memphis Web-server
Open Access Repository of ESARP Lab >>
Github (public access of app codes and sensor designs) >>
Lab News Bulletin:
Jun. 2020: Babak Noroozi has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation titled "Printed Spiral Coil Design, Implementation, and Optimization for 13.56 MHz Near-Field Wireless Resistive Analog Passive (WRAP) Sensors". Congratulations Dr. Babak Noroozi!
Jun. 2020: Md Juber Rahman has successfully defended his Ph.D. proposal.
Jun. 2020: Md Sabbir Bin Zaman has successfully defended his Ph.D. proposal.
Jun. 2020: We are asking you (if you are not involved with our research projects) to volunteer for this online survey research. The purpose of this survey is to examine your perspectives and views on a new flexible electrocardiography (ECG/EKG) electrode and device technology. The online survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes. Your responses will remain completely anonymous. Please follow the link to the survey: https://memphis.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9zzgBo6s7FHQE6x
Jun. 2020: A conference paper (authors: Mst Moriom Momota and Bashir I. Morshed) is accepted at the IEEE EIT 2020 conference.
May 2020: Dr. Morshed is the recipient of the Faculty Research Award from Herff College of Engineering, University of Memphis.
Apr. 2020: Two conference papers (first authors: Md Sabbir Zaman & Md Juber Rahman) are accepted at the prestigious IEEE EMBC 2020 conference.
Apr. 2020: Dr. Morshed will serve as the Guest Editor the special issue "Signal Processing for Smart Sensors, Wearables, and IoTs" for the Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS), a Springer publication. (Download CFP)
Mar. 2020: "The tech of tomorrow: researchers printing wearable sensors", University of Memphis Herff Magazine, Spring 2020 issue, page 3. (Link)
Jan. 2020: A new Ph.D. student, Mahfuzur Rahman, has joined the research group in Spring 2020.
Jan. 2020: Dr. Morshed gave a talk titled "Wearables with AI - Research Trends and Preparing for Higher Studies", presented at Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) on Jan. 7, 2020.
Dec. 2020: "Teched Out", shared opinions on a short YouTube documentary on the impacts of newer technologies and cyborg on human society, Dec. 2019. (Link)
Nov. 2019: A conference paper by Dr. Morshed has been accepted at Conf. on Advances in Functional Materials (AAAFM-UCLA), to be held at University of California, LA on June 2020.
Oct. 2019: A conference paper was invited to IEEE International Conf on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2020 for presentation.
Sep. 2019: A grant proposal titled "CPS: Small: Inkjet Printed Flexible Electronic CPS with Context-aware Events of Interest Detection" has been funded (Award number: CNS-1932281) by Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) program of National Science Foundation (NSF) for the duration of 2020-2022 (3 years). The PI of this project is Dr. Morshed. The co-PIs are Drs. Fujiwara, Andrasik, and Kabra, and Mr. Hewitt. (link)
Sep. 2019: A patent titled "Wireless Analog Passive Sensors", Inventor: Dr. Bashir I. Morshed and S. Consul-Pacereu, has been granted. (U.S. Patent No. US 10,405,746 B2. Issue date: Sept. 10, 2019. USPTO Patent Application, US 2015/029763 A1, 15 Oct. 2015. Patent application filed 14 Apr. 2015, Application # 14/686,275. Provisional app. no. 61/979,223, filed on 14 Apr. 2014.)
Aug. 2019: ESARP Lab is currently looking for a couple of motivated high-quality researchers with strong academic background to join this research team as PhD students in Fall 2019 or Spring 2020. The positions are fully funded (tuition and stipend). Ideal candidates should have extensive hardware and software skills and interest specifically related to embedded systems design and prototyping, flexible sensors, and real-time machine learning. Interested candidates should send their CV and a research experience document/published articles for consideration to Dr. Morshed.
May 2019: Sharmin Afroz has successfully defended her MS thesis titled "Framework for Spatiotemporal Visualization of Community Health in a Smart and Connected Community (SCC)".
Apr. 2019: Three conference papers from Dr. Morshed's lab have been accepted to IEEE Electro-Information Technology (EIT) 2019 conference.
Apr. 2019: Haritha Gollakota has successfully defended her MS thesis titled "Early Detection and Continuous Monitoring of Atrial Fibrillation from ECG Signals with a Novel Beat-wise Severity Ranking Approach".
Apr. 2019: A conference paper by Ankita Mohapatra is accepted at the prestigious IEEE EMBC conference.
Apr. 2019: Dr. Morshed has received Faudree Professorship (2019-2022) award at the University of Memphis for his outstanding contribution to the University's educational, research, outreach and service missions.
Apr. 2019: Dr. Morshed has been recognized as an IEEE Senior Member, April 2019.
Apr. 2019: A journal article titled "A Single-Channel EEG-Based Approach to Detect Mild Cognitive Impairment via Speech-Evoked Brain Responses", by S. Khatun, B. I. Morshed, and G. M. Bidelman has been accepted in IEEE Trans. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE).
Apr. 2019: A journal article titled "Electric Stimulus-Responsive Chitosan/MNP Composite Microbeads for a Smart Drug Delivery System", by A. Mohapatra, C. Wells, J. Jennings, M. Ghimire, S. Mishra, and B. Morshed has been accepted in IEEE Trans Biomedical Engineering (TBME).
Jan. 2019: A patent titled "Multilayer Additive Printed Circuit", Inventor: Dr. Bashir I. Morshed, has been granted. (U.S. Patent No. 10,182,499 Issue date: Jan 15, 2019; Patent Application Pub. No. US 2017/0135215A1, May 11, 2017, filing date: Nov. 9, 2016; USPTO Provisional Patent Application, No. 62/252,706, filing date Nov. 9, 2015.)
Nov. 2018: Saleha Khatun has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation titled "Automated Artifact Removal and Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment from Single Channel Electroencephalography Signals for Real-Time Implementations on Wearables". Congratulations Dr. Saleha Khatun!
Oct. 2018: Mohammad Abu-Saude has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation titled "Polypyrrole (PPy) Coated Patterned Vertical Carbon Nanotube (pvCNT) Dry ECG Electrode Integrated with a Novel Wireless Resistive Analog Passive (WRAP) ECG Sensor". Congratulations Dr. Mohammad Abu-Saude!
Sept. 2018: Two conference papers from ESARP Lab have been accepted for oral presentation at the National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 9-12, 2019.
Sept. 2018: A journal article titled "BRAINsens: Body-worn Reconfigurable Architecture of Integrated Network Sensors", by R. Mahajan, B. I. Morshed, and G. M. Bidelman has been accepted in Journal of Medical Systems.
Sept. 2018: Dr. Morshed will serve as a co-organizer of the special session on "Wearable, Implants, and Body-Area Networks (BK)" in Commission B to be held as a part of the upcoming URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Jan. 9-12, 2019, Boulder, Colorado).
Aug. 2018: A conference paper from S. Afroz and B. I. Morshed has been accepted to IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2) to be held at Kansas City in Sept. 2018.
Aug. 2018: A journal article titled "Magnetic Stimulus Responsive Vancomycin DDS Based on Chitosan Microbeads Embedded with Magnetic Nanoparticles", by A. Mohapatra et al. has been published in J Biomedical Materials Research B: Applied Biomaterials.
July 2018: Dr. Morshed presented an invited talk titled "Inkjet Printed, Disposable Biosensors", to the Visiting Chief Executive, Association of British Healthcare Industries, at University of Memphis, July 12, 2018.
July 2018: Dr. Morshed presented an invited talk titled "Flexible Electronics Fabrication Using Inkjet-printing Technology for Fully-passive Wireless Body-worn Patch Sensors", at the Department of Electronics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada on July 6, 2018.
Jun. 2018: A journal article titled "Characterization of a Novel Polypyrrole (PPy) Conductive Polymer Coated Patterned Vertical CNT (pvCNT) Dry ECG Electrode", by M. Abu Saude and B. I. Morshed has been accepted in MDPI Chemosensors J.
May 2018: The conference paper titled "Accessing Differential Measures with a Conjugate Coil-pair for Wireless Resistive Analog Passive (WRAP) ECG Sensors" by Mohammad Abu-Saude and Bashir I. Morshed has received the First Place award at the 18th Annual IEEE Intl. Conf. on Electro Information Technology (EIT2018), May 3-5, 2018 at Rochester, Michigan, USA.
May 2018: Dr. Morshed will serve as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member at the 4th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), September 16 – 19, 2018.
Apr. 2018: Dr. Morshed has received mHealth 2018 Scholarship to participate at the mHealth Summer Training Institutes, funded by NIH/NIDA to be held on July 29 to Aug. 3, 2018.
Apr. 2018: Ankita Mohapatra has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation titled "Multiple Stimuli Responsive Drug Delivery System Based on Magnetic Nanoparticle Embedded Chitosan Microbeads". Congratulations Dr. Ankita Mohapatra!
Apr. 2018: Three conference papers from the ESARP lab have been accepted for oral presentations at the highly competitive EMBS flagship "IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC)", in Honolulu, HI, on July 17-21, 2018.
Apr. 2018: Five conference papers from the ESARP lab have been accepted for oral presentations at IEEE Electro-Information Theory (EIT) Conf., in Oakland, MI, on May 3-5, 2018.
Apr. 2018: Dr. Morshed presented an invited talk titled "Body-worn Physiological Sensors for Smart and Connected Community", at the Institute for Intelligent Systems (IIS) Speed Talks at the University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, on Apr. 20, 2018.
Feb. 2018: Dr. Morshed presented an invited talk titled "Inkjet-printed Fully-passive Wireless Body-worn Disposable Sensors", at the Biomedical Engineering Seminar, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, Feb. 23, 2018.
Feb. 2018: Rachel Alexander has received 1st prize award in Engineering category at TLSAMP (Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) Research Conference in Chattanooga, TN on Feb. 22-23, 2018. Congratulations!
Dec. 2017: A journal article titled "Design and Analysis of a Novel Wireless Resistive Analog Passive (WRAP) Sensor Technique", by S. C. Pacareu and B.I. Morshed has been accepted for publication in IET Wireless Sensor Systems Journal.
Dec. 2017: Two conference papers from the ESARP lab have been accepted for oral presentations at the premier flagship joint IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI)/Body Sensor Networks (BSN), in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on 4-7 March 2018.
Nov. 2017: Dr. Morshed will give a talk on the NSF funded SCC project titled "Inkjet-printed Body-worn Fully-passive Wireless sensors for Smart and Connected Community" at UofM Center for Information Assurance.
Nov. 2017: Two conference papers have been accepted for oral presentation at the National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4-6, 2018.
Nov. 2017: A journal article titled "Inkjet Printed Fully-Passive Body-Worn Wireless Sensors for Smart and Connected Community (SCC)", by B.I. Morshed, B. Harmon, M.S. Zaman, M.J. Rahman, S. Afroz, and M. Rahman, has been accepted as a Feature Article for publication in Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications.
Oct. 2017: A journal article titled "Magnetic Stimulus Responsive Vancomycin DDS Based on Chitosan Microbeads Embedded with Magnetic Nanoparticles", by A. Mohapatra, M.A. Harris, D. LeVine, M. Ghimire, J.A. Jennings, B.I. Morshed, W.O. Haggard, J.D. Bumgardner, S.R. Mishra, and T. Fujiwara, has been accepted in Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B.
Oct. 2017: Dr. Morshed will attend the 2017 NSF CPS PI meeting at Alexandria, VA on Nov 13-14, 2017.
Aug. 2017: A grant proposal titled "Fully Passive Wireless ECG and SpO2 Monitoring System on Smartphone Using Low-Cost Disposable Body-Worn Inkjet Printed Sensors" has been funded by FedEx Institute of Technology Development Grants for the duration of 2017-2018. The sole PI of the project is Dr. Morshed.
May 2017: A conference paper from the ESARP lab has been accepted for oral presentation at the IEEE/ACM Conf on Connected Health: Applications, Systems, and Engineering Technologies (CHASE), Philadelphia, PA, July 17-19, 2017.
Apr. 2017: The poster titled "PSC Optimization of 13.56-MHz Resistive Wireless Analog Passive Sensors" by B. Noroozi and B. I. Morshed has been awarded 1st Prize in the Department of EECE Poster Competition held on 24 April 2017.
Apr. 2017: The poster titled "An Interactive Web-based Visualization Tool of Community Health Data for a Smart & Connected Community (SCC)" by S. Afroz and B. I. Morshed has been awarded 3rd Prize in the Department of EECE Poster Competition held on 24 April 2017.
Apr. 2017: The IP (Dry Electrodes for Vital Sign Monitoring) has been judged runner-up (joint) at the Inaugural Memphis Scipreneur Challenge (MSC), 2017. Congratulations Team 4 (F. Phillips, P. Devaraju, A. Rathi, P. Chen, and S. Hudson, Mentors: J. Bell & B.
I. Morshed).
Apr. 2017: Two conference papers from the ESARP lab have been accepted for oral presentation at the IEEE Intl. Symp. Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rochester, MN, May 7-10, 2017.
Mar. 2017: A grant proposal titled "Direct Inkjet Printable Low-voltage Active Flexible Electronic Component Fabrication" has been funded by The University of Memphis Research Investment Fund as a Team Initiation Grant for the duration of 2017 to 2019. The PI this research project is Dr. Morshed. The project co-PIs are Dr. Fujiwara (Chemistry), Mr. Hewitt (Electronic Technology), and Dr. Andrasik (Psychology).
Mar. 2017: The journal article: "NeuroMonitor: A Low-power, Wireless, Wearable EEG Device with DRL-less AFE", by S. Consul-Pacareu, R. Mahajan, and M. J. AbuSaude, and B. I. Morshed, has been accepted for publication in The IET Circuits, Devices, & Systems Journal.
Feb. 2017: One of our IP (Dry Electrodes for Vital Sign Monitoring) has been selected for the Inaugural Memphis Scipreneur Challenge (MSC), 2017. https://memscichallenge.org/available-ips/
Feb. 2017: The journal article: "PSC Optimization of 13.56-MHz Resistive Wireless Analog Passive Sensors", by B. Noroozi and B. I. Morshed, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques.
Oct. 2016: Two conference papers from the ESARP lab have been accepted for oral presentation at the National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4-6, 2017.
Sept. 2016: An innovation disclosure has been filed titled "Microbead Compositions and Methods for Delivering an Agent" on Sept, 29, 2016 (USPTO Provisional Patent Application, No. USSN 52/401,751). The inventors are A. Mohapatra, J. A. Jennings, W. O. Haggard, J. Bumgardner, B. I. Morshed, S. R. Misra, T. Fujiwara, G. McGraw, and J. M. Berretta.
Sept. 2016: Dr. Morshed will serve as a co-organizer of the special session on "Wearable Antennas and Electronics" in Commission B to be held as part of the upcoming URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Jan. 4-7, 2017, Boulder, Colorado).
Aug. 2016: Dr. Morshed is currently looking for dedicated and motivated researchers to join his research team with extensive hardware and software skills specifically related to embedded systems design and prototyping, software algorithm for feature extraction and classification, app development, and cloud interfacing for the NSF-funded project. Interested candidates for this cross-cutting interdisciplinary research project should send their CV and admission status to EECE for consideration to Dr. Morshed.
Aug. 2016: A grant proposal titled "Events-of-interest Capture Using Novel Body-worn Fully-passive Wireless sensors for S&CC" has been funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) EAGER from CNS Smart and Connected Community (S&CC) solicitation for the duration of 2016-2018. The PI of this project is Dr. Morshed, and the co-PI is Dr. Harmon, School of Public Health.
July 2016: A grant proposal titled "Fully-passive wireless continuous temperature sensing system using low-cost inkjet printed disposable body-worn sensors" has been funded by FedEx Institute of Technology Development Grants for the duration of 2016-2017. The sole PI of the project is Dr. Morshed.
May 2016: The journal article: "Autonomous OA Removal in Real-Time from Single Channel EEG Data on a Wearable Device Using a Hybrid Algebraic-Wavelet Algorithm", by C. A. Majmudar and B. I. Morshed, has been accepted in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.
May 2016: A conference paper from the research group have been accepted at the IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Society Conf (EMBC) to be held at Orlando, FL, on Aug. 16-20, 2016.
Apr. 2016: The poster titled "BRAINsens: Body-worn Reconfigurable Architecture of Integrated Network Sensors" by R. Mahajan and B. I. Morshed has been awarded the best poster in the Department of EECE Poster Competition held on 25 April 2016.
Apr. 2016: Ruhi Mahajan has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation titled "BRAINSens: Body-worn Reconfigurable Architecture of Integrated network Sensors". Congratulations Dr. Ruhi Mahajan !
Apr. 2016: The journal article: "Performance Analysis of a DRL-less AFE for Battery-Powered Wearable EEG Measurement", by R. Mahajan and B. I. Morshed, has been accepted in Elsevier Measurement Journal.
Feb. 2016: The journal article: "Comparative Study of Wavelet Based Unsupervised Ocular Artifact Removal Techniques for Single Channel EEG Data", by S. Khatun, R. Mahajan, and B. I. Morshed, has been accepted in IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine.
Feb. 2016: The review article: "Stealth Engineering for in vivo Drug Delivery Systems" by A. Mohapatra, B. I. Morshed, W. O. Haggard, and R. A. Smith, has been accepted in the Critical Reviews in Bionmedical Engineering Journal.
Jan. 2016: The group has received the "Excellent Demo Track Presentation" Award for an exemplary demonstration of "Resistive Wireless Analog Passive Sensors (rWAPS)" at the IEEE Radio & Wireless Week (RWW), Austin, TX, 24-27 Jan. 2016. The demo was presented by Dr. Morshed and demonstrated by Babak Noroozi and Mohammad Abu-Saude.