News & Events
February 18th, 2015
Congratulations to the Spring/Summer 2015 Engaged Scholarship Conference Travel Awards winners:- Faculty: Angela Gilmore, Criminal Justice
- Student: Katrina Barth, Graduate Student, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research.
January 12th, 2015
The Engaged Scholarship Committee and the Provost are pleased to announce three new programs to support Engaged Scholarship involving students as part of the student retention efforts on campus: Engaged Scholarship Research Grant, Engaged Mentor Program, Engaged Learning Fellowship.October 7th, 2014
Announcing the Engaged Scholarship Conference Travel Fund (ESCTF) – FacultyThe Provost and the Engaged Scholarship Committee invite faculty to apply for the the University’s Engaged Scholarship Conference Travel Fund (ESCTF).The University’s Engaged Scholarship Conference Travel Fund (ESCTF) supports faculty travel to engaged scholarship conferences in order to promote the visibility and scholarly outcomes of University-Community engagement.
February 27th, 2014
The Engaged Scholarship Committee and The University of Memphis community was pleased to host Dr. Hiram Fitzgerald, who led a workshop and gave a keynote address, entitled, "Community Engagement Scholarship: A Third Transformation in Higher Education?"Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Ph.D., is Associate Provost for University Outreach and Engagement and University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology at Michigan State University. He is president of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, a member of the Executive Committee of the Council on Engagement and Outreach of the Association for Public and Land Grant Universities, a member of the Board of Directors of Transformative Regional Engagement Networks, and a member of the Academy for Community Engagement Scholarship task force.
The next ESC meeting will be on Friday, April 3 in the UC, Room 320-A from 12:00-1:15.
Katharina A. Azim, doctoral student from Educational Psychology and Research who was
funded by the ESC Travel Award Committee will be presenting her work. The title
of her presentation is: An Intergenerational Community-Based Art and Literacy Program in a Shelter For Families
Who Are Homeless. (Research conducted with Drs. Laurie MacGillivray and Donalyn Heise).
Recent Meetings
On February 13, 2015, the ESFC met in the Rose Theatre.
Dr. Lauren Burrows, travel grant awardee, gave a talk about her experience at the Emergent Scholars Workshop and her recent conference presentations at the Engagement of Scholarship Consortium Conference.