Resources for Parents

Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)

Family and Medical Leave (FMLA): The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federally mandated policy available to all eligible employees, in order to facilitate the taking of paid leave, job protection, and continued health care coverage in the event of a child birth or adoption or other family emergency. Learn more about FMLA >

Paid Parental Leave

The University of Memphis offers six weeks of paid leave to employees upon the birth or adoption of a child. You must be fully benefits-eligible and employed by the UA for at least 12 continuous months prior to the leave. You can use this leave to work intermittently or part-time, as prearranged with your supervisor. For more information, please contact Human Resources or submit a Paid Parental Leave Request.

Paid Parental Leave Policy >

Lactation Support

In an effort to promote a family-friendly campus, UofM is working to provide breastfeeding friendly environments on campus by designating lactation rooms and providing resources for new mothers returning to work and school. Visit our Lactation Support site at memphis.edu/lactation.