
Below you will find helpful step-by-step instructions on how to complete frequently used tasks involving your financial aid. 

View Outstanding Requirements and Important Financial Aid Messages/Alerts

  • Log on to your myMemphis account. 
  • Click on the Student Pages tab and then click My Finances.
  • Under the Financial Aid Requirements section, click Messages. This will take you to your myMemphis Self-Service page.
  • Select the appropriate aid year and click Submit.
    • 24-25 (applies to Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025)
    • 23-24 (applies to Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Summer 2024)
  • A list of unsatisfied requirements will appear with detailed messages regarding the requirement and/or notice. Some items may have links that will direct you to forms or additional information regarding the item. Satisfied requirements will appear toward the bottom of the page under any unsatisfied requirements. 

Accept/Decline Your Award Offer(s)

  • Log on to your myMemphis account.
  • Click on the Student Pages tab and then click My Finances.
  • Under the Financial Aid Awards section, click on the Financial Aid Awards link. NOTE: If you don't have this link/"channel," call the ITS Service Desk at 901-678-8888.
  • Select the appropriate aid year and then click Submit
    • 24-25 (applies to Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025)
    • 23-24 (applies to Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Summer 2024)
  • Read the information under the General Information tab (note that the Accept Award Offer tab is not yet activated).
  • Click on the Terms and Conditions tab, then scroll down to Accept (the Terms and Conditions).
  • Click on the Accept Award Offer tab, then scroll down to review your award offers. 
  • Click on the drop down box next to your award offer(s) and select an option. NOTE: Some award offers may not have an option to accept. This can include Pell Grants, estimated awards, or awards that have already been accepted. 

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If you are accepting student loans, you will need to complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling at www.studentaid.gov before your loans will show as anticipated aid/pay toward your account. Once completed, it may take up to four business days for the updates to fully process and for the loan to apply toward your account.

Change a Loan Amount That Has Already Been Accepted/Declined

If you have already accepted or declined your loan(s) and need to make an adjustment, please submit a Loan Request and Adjustment Form (LOANR). The U.S. Department of Education limits the amount of loans that students can borrow based on their dependency status and level in school. These annual limits are listed below and do not include aggregate (total) limits which may impact your eligibility. Please note that our office cannot process a request to increase your loan based on an expected grade level advancement until that advancement is official and can be confirmed in our system. This can only be done after the hours earned have been finalized and/or the transfer credits fully evaluated and added to your account. 

Year of Student Dependent Students Independent Students
Freshman(0-29 Credit Hours) $5,500--No more than $3,500 may be in Subsidized Loans $9,500--No more than $3,500 may be in Subsidized Loans
Sophomore (30-59 Credit Hours) $6,500--No more than $4,500 may be in Subsidized Loans $10,500--No more than $4,500 may be in Subsidized Loans
Junior & Senior (60 Credit Hours +) $7,500--No more than $5,500 may be in Subsidized Loans $12,500--No more than $5,500 may be in Subsidized Loans
Graduate  N/A $20,500 Unsubsidized Loan