Tell Us Your Story

At the University of Memphis, driven by doing isn’t just a slogan – it’s a lifestyle. The UofM community is all about forward progress, and that starts with the impacts made by our students, faculty, staff, alumni and community supporters. We love to hear the wonderful stories of how Memphis Tigers are making the University, City and world a better place through their work, research and studies. Without you, the UofM would not be the same, and we are truly grateful for the privilege to tell your story.


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Maximum of 300 words

By completing the form, I understand that I am giving the University of Memphis and its affiliates the opportunity to share my story with others through publications and advertising. I confirm the details I have provided are correct. I allow the University of Memphis to use my story (and picture, if submitted) for promotional purposes.

It is at the discretion of the Department of Marketing and Communication whether or not to feature any submitted story.

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